Robert Rodriguez to do a new Predator reboot...

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Why would they want to make a REBOOT??? Whats wrong with Predator 1 & 2???:google
Rodriguez Q & A from AICN:

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with the word from the man himself about the newly announced PREDATORS. Harry reached out to Robert Rodriguez when the news broke and sent some questions.

Below you'll find how this started, get an idea of what remains from Rodriguez's '90s Predator script and he even confirms he's directing, despite the rumors circulating he wasn't. In fact, he's co-directing, but with whom I'm not sure. We know he's co-directing MACHETE with editor Ethan Maniquis and has, in the past co-directed with Tarantino and Frank Miller.

Anyway, here are the questions sent forth by our own Grande Rojo and the answers from Robert Rodriguez! Enjoy!
1. Quite some time ago you created a treatment called PREDATORS, which was about Arnold's characters being shipped to the Predator home world where they were put into an alien menagerie.

Now that you're producing a PREDATOR movie, is there any hope that it'll be called PREDATORS and be based upon your original treatment? And if not, what direction are you taking this and does it have a title?
Robert Rodriguez: Way back before I did Desperado, I had taken a writing assignment for a sequel to Predator.

With a nod toward Cameron's ALIENS I decided to call it PREDATORS. I set it on a jungle-like Predator planet. It was just a writing assignment, so I didn't have to worry about budget constraints or how the movie would actually get made with the technology that existed back then, so I just wrote any cool thing I could come up with.

Fast forward 15 years to when I got a call from Alex Young over at Fox, who had been digging around and found my original treatment. He was eager to get it made and re-invent the Predator franchise using the treatment as a guide. So he contacted me to see if I'd be interested in being involved, and it seemed like the perfect project for us over at Troublemaker Studios.

I've built up an amazing team over the years at Troublemaker, and they're all huge PREDATOR fans. (I know this because Predator model kits litter our offices and workstations.) So the next stage is finding a writer and director to come in and work with us to bring it to life. Whether or not it will ultimately be based on the treatment or not is still unknown at this time.
2. The original John McTiernan PREDATOR is a brilliant action/ science fiction film. What is it that you're hoping to bring to fans of that film that will revive the franchise?
RR: PREDATOR is a masterpiece of the action/science fiction genre. Its been borrowed from so much in other movies and even video games (that will now probably be turned into movies themselves) that I liked the idea that we could have PREDATORS made relatively quickly. What I'd like to do with it is expand on ideas I dreamt up back in the original treatment, that had really expanded on the universe both the Predators and other species live in. We'd create new otherworldly characters while not taking away from the draw our main Predator has. I think another reason I called it Predators was to mark it as a project that should be taken seriously by a filmmaker to make a worthy follow up to a classic, much in the way Cameron made Aliens a compelling work on its own, following Ridley Scott's Alien.

Alex is passionate about re-inventing the series to a new and exciting level, and as a fan myself I'm all for it.
3. Will you work to get the Governor involved somehow in your new PREDATOR production?
RR: This is still the early stages, so we haven't approached him about taking part. As things develop further, we'll keep you posted, because this is obviously a fan favorite.
4. Are you going to make this a badass R-rated Predator movie?
RR: We haven't discussed rating yet, but my treatment was very “R.”
5. What is coming up next for you as director and is there any chance that you'd take the reins on PREDATORS?
RR: The idea is that I'd produce PREDATORS here at Troublemaker Studios, so that I can feel free to walk to the PREDATORS soundstage, pick up a camera and co-shoot the coolest scenes.

Directing wise, next up will be NERVERACKER for the Weinstein Company.
Also, a Predator reboot can work, simply because there was never an arch established in the first 2 flicks. I mean, I love them do death, but aside from Keys, the films werent really connected. So either way, this could just be Predator 3....but continuing the series with a new arch, and a new story, with new characters. Thats why it would work. And thats why Friday the 13th worked so well.
RR is a great choice I think. Part of me wishes it was set back in the 1800's like someone had mentioned in the previous predator remake thread.
I think it'll be awesome.

I'm psyched to see several Predators fighting, instead of just the one.

Imagine what kind of cool ass Bio masks we're gonna see!
It is great that he doesn't mention Predator 2 in the Q & A, looks like this will be more of a follow up to the first movie so i'm starting to like the idea of this new movie more. Predator 2 should be forgotten in my opinion.
I liked Predator 2 :D but neither of them were perfect and I do think there's room for improvement in them. But a remake will more than likely change alot about them and that's what I don't want.
Stop making Reboots & Restarts & Remakes !
Make a freaking Predator 3 with the lost hunters from predator 2 !!
Or make a prequel/stand alone predator somekind of prequel thiny about the predator2 elder in his younger years how he will get the gun from 1715 that he gives to danny glover in predator 2
I liked Predator 2 :D but neither of them were perfect and I do think there's room for improvement in them. But a remake will more than likely change alot about them and that's what I don't want.

Predator 1 is pretty much perfect.