Robert Rodriguez's PREDATORS Movie Thread - SPOILERS

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I wasn't criticizing the actual work you did (it was fine) I just was saying it's a "piss poor job" as far as darkening everything up ala AVP:R. Making things dramatically darker is just a trick to hide poor design. We've all see rubber monster suits that looked fine in normal light in on-set pics.

And keep things in perspective bro: you're by far the most vocal about this movie and how much you love it so when I counter that opinion obviously it's going to appear that I'm only targeting you. Trust me.. that's not the case.

Again.. for the millionth time: stop taking everything so personal. This isn't YOUR movie. Jesus Christ. :cuckoo:


Amen bro !

Some people need know the streets... :lol
I wasn't criticizing the actual work you did (it was fine) I just was saying it's a "piss poor job" as far as darkening everything up ala AVP:R. Making things dramatically darker is just a trick to hide poor design. We've all see rubber monster suits that looked fine in normal light in on-set pics.

And keep things in perspective bro: you're by far the most vocal about this movie and how much you love it so when I counter that opinion obviously it's going to appear that I'm only targeting you. Trust me.. that's not the case.

Again.. for the millionth time: stop taking everything so personal. This isn't YOUR movie. Jesus Christ. :cuckoo:


It gets personal when you critisize my work. You WERE coming after me, otherwise you would've have MENTIONED me..or my "work".

I just did it for fun, you dont need to be such a ____ about it. You really dont.
It gets personal when you critisize my work.

Actually I wasn't. Try reading my post and you'll see that. I didn't say "you did this wrong. And this wrong". I was making a comparison to AVP:R. Trust me.

Stop acting like a little _____. Sensitive ass. No wonder you like Brody. :nana:
Think about evolution, though. Adaptation. Different parts of the body changing based on location and backstory. These Preds could be a deformed and forgotten subspecies, because they might have been kept seperate from the normal ones for so long. And subspecies can mean a variety of things, and therefore these can in fact be different. Compare a caveman to a modern human. Different look, yes. Different bone structure, of course.

Either these new Predators never made it in civilized society, or they've been left to fend for themselves, thus de-evolving back into savages.

good point, dude.

i WAS gonna touch on evolution but i got lazy. to me, the thing about evolution within a species is that the variation tends to be relatively subtle, unless you're talking about invertebrates. but they don't have an endo-skeletal structure so doesn't count. the differences between a hom0 sapien and a neanderthal isn't an equivalent benchmark either cos they're both considered distinct species. if you're referring simply to early **** sapiens vs modern man, the skeletal differences are pretty minor. those "cavemen" were stockier, shorter, their craniums were slightly smaller and the brows were marginally thicker. but nothing as major as the diff between regular yautja and mr black.

of course, i do realize the futility of comparing human physiology with that of a fictitious creature. :lol

so... in the end i put this departure down to the designers consciously wanting to change the look of the pred as radically as possible without regard for physiological "canon".

and i don't agree that the design of a creature doesn't impact the overall quality of the movie. lest we forget, movies like "predator/predators" are creature-features, and the enjoyment factor relies largely on the quality of the creature being featured. i'm sure many of u recall how horrible the original predator design looked before stan came on board. it was some pointy-faced thing that looked like a cross between a bird and a reptile. imagine "predator" with the same director, same cast and same script, but with a lame-looking monster. wouldn't have worked.
good point, dude.

i WAS gonna touch on evolution but i got lazy. to me, the thing about evolution within a species is that the variation tends to be relatively subtle, unless you're talking about invertebrates. but they don't have an endo-skeletal structure so doesn't count. the differences between a hom0 sapien and a neanderthal isn't an equivalent benchmark either cos they're both considered distinct species. if you're referring simply to early **** sapiens vs modern man, the skeletal differences are pretty minor. those "cavemen" were stockier, shorter, their craniums were slightly smaller and the brows were marginally thicker. but nothing as major as the diff between regular yautja and mr black.

of course, i do realize the futility of comparing human physiology with that of a fictitious creature. :lol

so... in the end i put this departure down to the designers consciously wanting to change the look of the pred as radically as possible without regard for physiological "canon".

and i don't agree that the design of a creature doesn't impact the overall quality of the movie. lest we forget, movies like "predator/predators" are creature-features, and the enjoyment factor relies largely on the quality of the creature being featured. i'm sure many of u recall how horrible the original predator design looked before stan came on board. it was some pointy-faced thing that looked like a cross between a bird and a reptile. imagine "predator" with the same director, same cast and same script, but with a lame-looking monster. wouldn't have worked.

I was wondering how your english got so good all of a sudden, but then I realized your not taylerdurdem(the custom P1 bio guy):slap:lol
Actually I wasn't. Try reading my post and you'll see that. I didn't say "you did this wrong. And this wrong". I was making a comparison to AVP:R. Trust me.

Stop acting like a little _____. Sensitive ass. No wonder you like Brody. :nana: are really getting up in arms about this. That would explain the useless insults.
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It is very difficult to critisize their evolution, since we know so little about them. But if a certain part of the species gets separated from the "normal" group, into a very different environment for a very long time, the evolution of that sub-species might bend a lot according to the environment. So the changes in the scull structure discussed could be considerable. But maybe we are looking in the wrong direction entirely? Maybe all predators were once like that, and that sub-species evolution just stopped? Why? Same reason we have apes and some ____.
Again, it is difficult to compare it to the evolution of man, because the planets, environment and pretty much everything is totally different.
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look like kothoga from the relic:


ok, so the last two films have cool pred designs but were ultimately crappy films since the story were so stupid. but now we have crappy pred designs in the new film, does it mean we'll have a cool story in exchange?

nimrod antal got a foreign language oscar nom for his feature debut kontroll(havent seen it but heard it's great). i hope it's that guy who's now helming predators, and not the guy who did vacancy and armored because that nimrod sucks.
Both of those movies were studio controlled (no pun This movie isnt. It's him getting free control. So cross da fingas.

The script says they experiment on themselves, and "mess" with their DNA and such to make them stronger. Which leaves them deformed.
i easily buy the adaptation/evolution/subspecies reasoning... if you were an alien, you wouldnt know these two are of the same species:


the looks can be different. so i'm fine with radical looks among the preds. problem is, and this is a HUGE problem... those new preds look CRAPPY. the designs are uninspiring, lame, childish even. these guys are coolest looking badasses in the history of film. wtf?
Both of those movies were studio controlled (no pun This movie isnt. It's him getting free control. So cross da fingas.

Don't kid yourself. Fox owns that property. They have final say. And they're usually clueless, a-hole execs. :lol

I'm not feeling them really. But eh, I do have faith the film can be good.

Atleast the classic Predator looks like he should...
Just look at the mandibles. It seems like they are made of thin layer of rubber. That shouldnt be so noticable !!
Don't kid yourself. Fox owns this property. They have final say. And they're usually clueless, a-hole execs. :lol do know Tom Rothman's gone right? You think Fox would hire someone like RR for Predators?

Throw a movie like Machete in theaters, even though Grindhouse bombed?

Bring back Ridley Scott for TWO new Alien Prequels?

____ing Avatar?

The days of Fox ruining movies is gone. So if Predators sucks, it's the fault of RR and Co, not Fox. :lol
Just look at the mandibles. It seems like they are made of thin layer of rubber. That shouldnt be so noticable !!

On a set pic it probably will. Look at the Alien from I cant judge the realisim of these suits with a set pic.

I can judge the design....ehh....:monkey1
These Preds could be a deformed and forgotten subspecies, because they might have been kept seperate from the normal ones for so long. And subspecies can mean a variety of things, and therefore these can in fact be different. Compare a caveman to a modern human. Different look, yes. Different bone structure, of course.

i wrote it once, then deleted. but this word is used again and again.

SUBspecies means same species.

Winston predator have soft frog skin.
(as well as "pseudoclassic" from the new movie)

Rodrigators have heavy crocodile-type scales.

they are different species.
they are different species.

:slap If that's true, then this movie sucks even more. Because then that means the apparent scene of the "Classic" Pred dying would essentially represent the "Old" Predators getting 86'ed and these new lame ass looking spider things being the "New" version of Predators for future films.

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