Hey guys, I'm new to this forum (well, I've been a lurker for a few months), and I just had to make an account to discuss all the haterade surrounding the predator pics!
First of all - they look VERY predator-ish to me. The super predator, of course, looks different than what you'd expect - that was the point. It's original, and never been done before - but it seems people don't want things that are original in the predator franchise anymore, almost to the extent that the terminator fans don't want originality in the terminator franchise.
Second, you do realize that they aren't stills from the movie? In the movie, there's going to be different lighting, sounds, they will be moving around etc. I edited the first three pics in photoshop to just change the lighting a little , I did nothing else....
Compare them with the first three (.. of which I still thought were pretty darned good) and they look loads better; presumably just like they will in the movie.
Third - if all else fails, this will spark new interest in predators and we'll get some hot new predator collectibles to put on our shelves
And a lot of you guys are acting kinda like *********s - really guys, it's a movie, don't tear out each others' throats because of it...