However, this movie was shown to the cast and crew, so perhaps this guy was one of them? Who knows.
Well in that case, a good review is inevitable. But I was kind of surprised, too. FOX has been keeping this locked up tight (sorta

However, this movie was shown to the cast and crew, so perhaps this guy was one of them? Who knows.
I wouldn't expect any critic reviews until maybe a week prior to release.
didnt AvP have critic reviews?
They can't prevent critics from reviewing the film, but rather prevent them from reviewing the film before it's released by not screening it for them. The thinking goes that if they can hold off the bad reviews until after the movie is released to the public, they can sucker enough people into buying tickets before bad word of mouth kills it.Did AVP and AVP-R not have reviews due to FOX's stepping in, or because as with most potential B-movies (though I personally think AVP 1 was WAY more than a B-movie), critics skipped them?
Did AVP and AVP-R not have reviews due to FOX's stepping in, or because as with most potential B-movies (though I personally think AVP 1 was WAY more than a B-movie), critics skipped them?
They can't prevent critics from reviewing the film, but rather prevent them from reviewing the film before it's released by not screening it for them. The thinking goes that if they can hold off the bad reviews until after the movie is released to the public, they can sucker enough people into buying tickets before bad word of mouth kills it.
That is the ____tiest page ever made. I got an account, with a valid birthdate, and its still asking me to enter my birthdate. And when I hit "Submit", it doesnt do ____. That site's lack of win is disturbing, may the fail be with it.
I'll wait till it pops up on youtube.
How do we know the scene with all the lazers is actually fake though?