you could've saved yourself some typing by just posting this link -
that's why you didn't like it. which is fine, that's the only reason i like the 1st one more. but your histrionic rant didn't prove or disprove the quality of any of the films. try making points instead of melodramatic exaggerations and straw-man condescensions.
With that link you confirmed that you are one of the most self righteous members on the forum. You didn't state your opinion, you simply gave me a pompus remark of what i said was wrong...while you CONTRIBUTED NOTHING TO THIS THREAD.
Do me a favor when you are ready to contribute something worth reading, please post it, i'm sure it would make the moderators very happy.
oh yeah, please humor me, Exaggerations, what exaggerations am i talking about im my post. Please dismantle my rhetoric.
I am all ears Mr. Webster.
When you're ready to act like an adult I'll pay more attention to you.
I am here to discuss PREDATORS, and i have been attacked multiple times for stating my opinion with reasons and specific examples, just incase anyone wanted to see where i was coming from. Certain members aren't interested in hearing why i feel the way i do, they want to tell me how I feel because they are self righteous.
Elder Predator, there is no need for you to defend hairlesswookie. He is simply a lazy SideshowCollector, that cannot get over other's grammatical errors. I find it hysterical that you jump into the mix. I completely understand, the whole STRENGTH in NUMBERS mindset is very common with followers and people that are afraid to stand on their own two feet.
I did not come here for attention, i came here to post EXACTLY why i felt this film was 6 / 10. YOU came here NOT to discuss PREDATORS, you came here to be a subordinate of someone who did not want to read my post.
ATTENTION, don't worry bro, you gave HAIRLESSWOOKIE tons of attention