Super Freak
Then you get to Predator 3 by axe... Which is without a doubt the dumbest death in the whole movie... That Predator didnt eve try to defend himself...
Nope one powerful Predator grenade as I recall...
Was wondering about the "original Predator" in this movie. Did he have a twin brother???? I was led to beleive (before the movie came out) that it was the Predator from the original & would somehow tie into the original movie.
That is kinda lame if every Predator from his tribe would look & dress exactly alike. (aside from his dreads being a tad bit longer) It must be hard for the chick preds to tell them apart at home... at least it would be easy to cheat on them without getting into trouble![]()
I personally think the film tried too much to be like Predator. .
I know you know what that is! THAT'S ARNOLD'S LINE!
Yeah it was an enjoyable but forgettable film. The major problem was it felt like a fan made project, mimicking the original in too many instances and falling well short as a result of the AVOIDABLE comparison. The problem with the likes of Predator, the Aliens, Terminator, Freddy...basically any iconic character you care to mention who has that visual mistique about them, by a third and even fourth film, the allure, wow factor etc is gone. We know what they look like, we've seen what they becomes very old very quick and no amount of rebooting can bring back the initial thrill of seeing these guys for the first time.
Predator 2 was full of character. I don't see your point there. Predator 2 is also ghastly under rated by almost everyone.
I honestly think Danny Glover played a good role as Harrigan. Then you had Bill Paxton from Aliens. Danny boy. Another Latin woman that played the woman detective. I mean it was good. I really enjoyed the film a lot. It's right behind Predator for me.
Now this movies out I'm hoping I might sell my cm predator at last.
The movie was OK at best, nowhere near the first two...actually in a different solar system (than P1 & P2), much closer in proximity to the AVP films.
Fail. Too much text and too many grammar errors to take seriously.
When you're ready to have an ADULT conversation about this film please reply.
Until then, please STFU
Another reference of bastardization - Jurassic Park 3. Lets take the most badass dinosaur ever, and have him get killed by a dinosaur that looks like it has a di** as a head and a fin on its back.The movie was OK at best, nowhere near the first two...actually in a different solar system (than P1 & P2), much closer in proximity to the AVP films. When the film first started i was on the edge of me seat, but after about the 30 minute mark, the film literall began to unravel. At first I was loving it, the music the scenery which they captures perfect (when he was first dropped into the jungle. I literally thought I was in the first film)...but that's where the MAJOR problem starts. THey didn't just stop there with the first film, throughout the whole movie the kept revisiting scenes and circumstances (about 10) that were LITERALLY SHOT FOR SHOT with the oringinal film. IMHO it was Unoriginal and weak. This film WAS IN NO WAY A SEQUEL. anyone who thinks that is kidding themselves. It was MUCH MORE of a Remake it was close to Gus Van SAndt's remake of "PSYCHO" more focused on paying tribute than actuallydelivering a true sequel. Sequels should have similar elements that make you think back to the first films like the quotes, "Over here...Turn around", but in NO WAY should there be almost 10 circumstances and scenes that were almost exactly identical to the first film.
What makes me laugh in all these newer Predator, Alien and Terminaror films they always need to make a LATEST AND GREATEST Predator or some monster that is bigger and badder than the original Predator. I am NOT talking about the intro of the QUEEN ALIEN, she made sense, she was done with class...not the BERSERKER PREDATOR LOL..... THIS IS THE GREATEST BLUNDER IN ALL FILMS trying to OUT DO THE ORIGINALS, with bigger badder NEXT GENERATION CREATURES Similar to Terminator SAlvation with those GIAGANTIC IDIOTIC ROBOTS with the Motorcycles as legs/shin bones, and the damn Predalien. THe Berserker, hurt this film more than it helped it. THIS ENTIRE FILM WAS BUILT ON PAYING TRIBUTE TO THE FIRST FILM, one would think the ORIGINAL WINSTON-looking PREDATOR would have a nice role in the FILM,,,not a chance....what did he do he was tied up...and decapitaded as quick as you can say GET TO THE CHOPPPER. This was a major blunder IMO. RODRIGUEZ, had to create a SUPER PREDATOR to say he had the MOST BADD ASSS Predator in his film, the same way that damn McG had to say he had the BIGGEST Terminator in his Salvation...they are Bastardizing the stars of the film, the WINSTON PREDATOR. If there was NO Winston Predator, I would've NEVER BEEN A FAN. THis film reminded me of HELLRAISER 2. I grew to LOVE Pinhead, horribly cool villian, what the hell happened? The had to creat a VILLIAN WHO WAS MEANER, BIGGER, and BADDER and Pinhead was killed in his movie infront of his fans. Just like ALIEN 3 when the bastard ALien killed our BELOVED QUEEN...thumbs DOWN. TALK ABOUT A KICK IN THE BALLS, RODRIGUEZ should've just ripped my spine out, because that's practically what he did. He wants to recreate the franchise with HIS SUPERPREDATOR and i'm sorry pal, you are NOT EVER GONNA win over this Winston fan, by trubuting the film and decapitating (practically) on of my family members in his own house.
This film is very forgettable, and it was like that FAN MADW BATMAN vs PREDATOR film on youtube. The multiple instances that this film mimicked from the oringinal hurt it MUCH MORE than it helped it. THis film is PERFECT for ANYONE that hasn't seen the oringinal, but what's funny is if people would then see the origninal, they would immediately say, "WAIT...i've seen this before." Which is NOT what i was looking for.
The really sad part is we are spoiled with STAN WINSTON, KEVIN PETER HALL, and the stars in the late 80's early 90's action stars. NO actor that played that PREDATOR after KPH will ever be able to to bring the creature alive like he did. KPH brought a certain mystique and believe EXTRA TERRESTRIAL movement to the Predators that has yet to be matched. This film along with all the other had laughable instances that were horrible unconvincing. Specifically with the Samurai Sword (Billy-esque stand-off which was ridiculous, an unoriginal in it's self) The Predator look like they put some random stuntman in the suit. The Predator never look more human and fake to me in ALL THE AVP films...they did not pay attention to the fine details that SWS and KPH did...simple human-like movement could kill the destroy the mystique of the Predator and in that scene it was about as believable as Barney.
Another reason this film failed IMO was because it was MUCH SMALLER SCALE for everything. The commandos were tiny, about 1/2 the size of Arnold's men, the Predators seemed horribly undersized on screen. Once again the battle with the SAmurai revealed how tiny the Predatos truly were. The SAmurai seemed like he was about 5-6 and the Predator was barely a foot taller than him with the dreads and all....THIS IS UNNACCEPTABLE.
The sad part is the 80's-90's action film were the PEAK of American Action films. When i was a kid i didn't realize what I was growing up with ARNOLD, STALLONE, JVCD, these were larger that life action stars in larger than life films...We went from Stallone to Keanu Reeves, Arnold to Brody...our action film are getting more and more pussified. At that time i didn't realize I was watching the PEAK of ALIENS, PREDATOR and TERMINATOR. I always go see these DAMNED films expecting to be proven wrong and time and time again I am let down, and i had VERY LOW expectations going into this one....It delivered the goods...similar to ACE VENTURA's HDS delivery service...did it get there? I guess so, it it all ____ed up and broken, yes broken beyond belief.
I've come to the conclusion they had to cast Adrian Brody because he is not imposing and they needed him for scale purposes, his small frame would make their tiny Predators look imposing, which was a bad move all around. I was not digging this THE DARK KNIGHT voice and his screen presence was the equivalent of Maria Conchita Alonso. I blame the casting director, not Brody, he is not an action star and he was cast in an action role. The was a square peg tring to be fit in a round hole.
Anyone that thinks this film is a better sequel than Predator 2 needs their head examined. Either their not students or film or are Easily Amused by the NEW MOVIE on the BLOCK. This film nothing more than average AT BEST. It had excellent rising action but I'm still trying to figure out where the ____ was the Climax ? ? ? when PREDATOR 1 & 2 had clear cut climaxes, this film's climax was literally nowhere to be found. Basic film elements to creating a masterful film were abandoned creating an average remake/ attempting to be a sequel.
Predator 2 still remains on of my FAVORITE SEQUELS, not the BEST sequel, one of my favorites. I can go on and on about P2 but there is no reason to. It's a wonderfully made film, pays trubute not too much and gives us A NEVER BEFORE SEEN LOOK at the Predator, his ship and how he does things. If Rodriguez saw how Predator 2 succeeded and modeled his sequel around that sequel he would have a MUCH BETTER film. Instead he modeled his SEQUEL around the Original, ultimately turing his film into a deflated remake.
At best 6 /10
Let me know if the price is right i will take it off your hands.
Another reference of bastardization - Jurassic Park 3. Lets take the most badass dinosaur ever, and have him get killed by a dinosaur that looks like it has a di** as a head and a fin on its back.
So not cool..
That was AWESOME! Stans was funny as ____, sometimes. Sometimes the comedy was un-needed.I think Waltin Coggins had 2 of the best lines.
"You're ass is awesome!!"
"space ******" while shanking him.
When you're ready to act like an adult I'll pay more attention to you.When you're ready to have an ADULT conversation about this film please reply.
Until then, please STFU
Bigpig, Tracker needed way more screen time. He was bad ass, his looks and the fact that he commanded the dogs.
His cocaine line was also pretty good and not expected.