Re: Robertobagg10collection Thread 'NEW UPDATE' 30" CUSTOM MILLENIUM FALCON DIORAMA
Totally COOL!
Totally COOL!
Hope you like the pics guys and thanks for looking
I've been admiring your acquisitions, then mod/extras and sometime your customs and THIS my friend... THIS is the HOLY GRAIL of all custom/handmade item/collectible you've put together!!! The HAIL MARY of all those projects! I always thought your custom T2 on bike was somewhere epic, but THIS just takes it to a whoooooole new leve!!!Okay, had a spare 5 minutes so had to get this update up. Here's a little project i was working on over the Easter Holidays just gone...basically i purcashed a professionally painted 30" Hasbro Hero Millenium Falcon Model (which is only 4" shorter than the official Master Replicas Studio Scale version) about 4 months ago or so...infact, it was literally the day i came out of the cinema from watching 'The Force Awakens' that i saw this Falcon for sale on Facebook and literally bought it instantly! I've always been a sucker for the Falcon...ever since i was 5 years old it was the spaceship that fascinated me the most...aswell as it being the very first major toy that i had as a kid!
So not content with just having this Falcon on display, i wanted to build a diorama with maybe a couple of Tie Fighters! All these images inside my head of how i wanted things to look began to look clearer as i was introduced to Bandai's 1/72 scale Star Wars ships...basically they come as a pre pracked kit which needs assembling and then painting. So i purchased 2 Tie Fighters and an X Wing from eBay and gave it a shot! I started with the X Wing and have to say that i was totally gobsmacked at how well i had painted it cos i didnt look too bad at all...even for am amateur like me! So i also built and painted the 2 Tie Fighters also and not sure if anyone has ever had the patience to build and paint kits but for a first time, i actually found it really therapuetic!
So with the ships all done i just needed something to bring it all together...and for that i decided to use Polysterene/Styrofoam for a rocky backdrop setting as ive worked with that material for previous projects and worked really well (for example with my Hot Toys DX09 Keaton Batman Batcave Diorama which you can see on page 775).
So once i had sculpted the rocky backdrop, all that was left was to harden the polysterene using wall tile adhesive and then painting it in the desired colour. Once complete, i then used thin wired rods and attached one side to the Tie Fighters and X-Wing and this enabled me to position the ships onto the backdrop in any position i wanted...this worked out really well! As for the Falcon, that was displayed using a much thicker acrylic cylinder that was cut at an angle allowing the Falcon to look as though its flying through mid air....very cool inhand i must say!
So all in all, it took me literally 12 hours (spread over 3 days) to build everything you see in the pics below (apart from the Falcon) and i couldnt be happier with the end result! What always makes it more satisfying is knowing its your creation and that you built a display from nothing so that makes it even more rewarding when i sit back and enjoy the view
Hope you like the pics guys and thanks for looking
That Falcon is awesome! I really need to treat myself to a nice kit of it actually. And I really need a bigger house so I can make some cool dioramas also...
Wow these displays look awesome, that Millennium Falcon looks insanely awesome!
I'm generally a clean no-stand no-backdrop display kind of guy, but a diorama like adds so much to the display! Very cool.
Do you have everything out on display?
You obviously have some fantastic pieces in your collection but I'd love to see them all out in your collection room or whatever. Are there any photos of this?
I've been admiring your acquisitions, then mod/extras and sometime your customs and THIS my friend... THIS is the HOLY GRAIL of all custom/handmade item/collectible you've put together!!! The HAIL MARY of all those projects! I always thought your custom T2 on bike was somewhere epic, but THIS just takes it to a whoooooole new leve!!!
That's it, you deserve some hula hoop for your work!
Now... where can I get that custom Millenium???
Sooo cool first batman and now this, reall great idea
heavens!! that is one impressive diorama!! keep it like this and, judging by this thread, your collection will be museum worth!!
Totally COOL!
Well done, Andy! I've been away for a bit and like always I come back and you ever-increasing collection just blows me way. Fantastic work on the Falcon! Keep it up!