Insufferable S.O.B.
The problem with kids today. They have absolutely zero respect for anything.![]()
Is this a kids movie?
The original sure wasn't.

The problem with kids today. They have absolutely zero respect for anything.![]()
The problem with reboots, remakes and franchise movies is people are going to see them, even if they hate everything about it.
Going to see a movie you hate the look of not because you want to but because you have a loyalty urge to is silly, imo.
90% of those who hate what they've seen are going in waiting for the credits to role so they can report back on how bad it was.
Going in ready and prepared to hate what you see makes the movie itself almost irrelevant, negative opinion was made and cemented prior to seeing it.
The movie could be crap or could be good, it's wide open. What's sad is most won't judge the movie on its own merit but as a comparison to a classic that could never be outdone. It seems it either has to be better than the original or it's a complete and utter disaster, no middle ground. That's giving it zero chance.
Don't forget that when Studios spend on original movies (No remakes or sequels) They usually don't make as much money and sometimes they lose money.
It's like studios now are afraid of losing money, But they need to keep releasing films, That combined with what you said about the loyalty people have, is the reason why we have so many remakes.
Look at Transformers and Pacific Rim, Yeah Pacific Rim did okay, But most people got on the Transformers bandwagon because of familiarity. The Transformers movies made so much money because people already have some knowledge of the subject, Or blind Loyalty.
Yep, they know no matter how much people ***** they'll still pay to see it. Transformers 2 and 3 were regarded as trash, yet Age of Extinction is among the most anticipated movies of 2014
They sure don't make PG/PG-13 movies like they used to. Remember Raiders/TOD/TLC? Or even the original Red Dawn.
Back in the day if a movie had more than a handful of curse words, it was PG-13....sex, violence or whatever made it R
I find that hard to believe, I really hope its not true. I mean does this
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look stupid and outdated? Does that visual have no appeal today if you hadn't seen it in the 80s/90s? Really?
Back in the day if a movie had more than a handful of curse words, it was PG-13....sex, violence or whatever made it R
Hey, I'm with you, it's a damn shame, but the kids these days aren't interested and if they are it's to be 'retro' or somethin'
And that visual is awesome
I just don't get it. I mean admittedly I'm sure there are some classic films that I haven't watched on account of their being in black & white or something. But Robocop looks like it could have been made pretty recently to my eyes, I don't see how kids would not be interested in checking it out. If not WHY THE **** NOT??!!!
Because the entitlement generation needs their own version to justify hating on the old one.![]()
They also need the plot spoonfed to them![]()
Because the entitlement generation needs their own version to justify hating on the old one.![]()
I wouldn't say it's generational, casual movie goers of any age like the newer CGI stuff over practical FX, but I can't fathom any freak-level cinephile hating on the old one.
You call yourself a casual moviegoer? Like, why?<-- casual movie goer. Prefer practical effects 100% of the time over fake CGI crap.![]()
You call yourself a casual moviegoer? Like, why?
I wouldn't call anyone in these boards a casual moviegoer.