Not comparing it in terms of "original" vs. "remake". I'm comparing it in terms of expectations and out come. I thought Dredd was going to blow, not because of the Stallone movie, but because of how it looked, 3D and other superficial things.
Look, I'm against the whole remaking mentality as much as the next guy, but today, remakes are inevitable. If it's going to happen and it's going to happen to one of my favorite films of all time, why not have something positive come out of it. If it's bad and that typical Hollywood schlock, I'll rip it to no end. But so far? Two weeks before it's released? I'm seeing and hearing good things. Great things? No, but enough to see that some of the decisions behind this are more than a cash grab. Sounds to me like this guy is making a sincere attempt at expanding on the things Verhoeven saw almost 27 years ago and applying them to real world situations (the drone problem). Sure, we could say the original delves into that, it does but I don't see what's wrong with a nice compliment that maybe gives the original a couple more exclamation points or at the very least, gets people into the original that wouldn't have normally seen it other wise.