Broke and happy
Not much of a critic but I saw this and thought it was a **** movie. I knew it would be but damn this is one is just bad.
See, someone else on the fence.

Not much of a critic but I saw this and thought it was a **** movie. I knew it would be but damn this is one is just bad.
See, someone else on the fence.![]()
I'm one to be a softy with movies and give them chances and even tend to rate them higher than what they are but this one just was complete and utter bull. Worst Remake besides The Nightmare on Elm Street Remake. Just nothing good about it. Well except the last 30 seconds with Samuel L. Jackson. He rules in every movie.![]()
Well I agree its crap if you wanted it to be exactly the same as the original.![]()
Well I agree its crap if you wanted it to be exactly the same as the original.![]()
Well I agree its crap if you wanted it to be exactly the same as the original.![]()
Well, DK...you gotta think about it this way:
I was all pro towards that movie. I thought almost everyone here was way to negative towards it and they could've opened up and I said that tthey should give it a chance since it really could be something fresh and new and so on and so forth.
But...it just happened to be a boring, boring film.
The movie has a boring soundtrack, boring main actor, the actor of the villain kinda saves the movie but isn't a good villain and the action is half as***.
The movie in it's whole is so boring that I didn't even bother of thinking about inner tones and subjects.
It's just not worth it. And why I get that you'd like to here more positive thoughts on it...you won't get it.
Cause...when you're out and you and your friends got the munchies for delicious Spaghetti Bolognese and you get a bad plate full of it, which isn't tasty in the slightest way you won't start saying around: "Guys, lets stay positive here. The chef tried really hard make something tasty." No, you paid money for something which doesn't taste good. Period.
And therefor you won't get it either here. Free speech of mind. I thought positive, went in, saw it's ******, done with it. Even no BR for me.
It just is what it is: A bad example of hollywood reanimating a franchise with an unnecessary and half-***** remake.
All this hate is hilarious. Opinions are like ***holes, everyone has one. Some just happen to stink, a lot. I love the original Robocop. I grew up with it. I just watched it again yesterday. I appreciate the movie now more then I did when I was young, since I can identify the various themes in the movie, which are a part of why it's so good. So they've rebooted the series. Big deal. It's hilarious to see how many people have gotten their fanny panties in a knot over this movie. Most references to reviews in this thread have been negative ones. Where are the more positive ones? It's pretty naive to say a movie sucks or is going to suck without actually viewing it. The old saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" is true. Sure, a trailer may look awful but the end product may just end up surpassing expectations. I'm going to see this tomorrow night. Do I expect it to be as as good as the original? Not necessarily. Reboots really never are. I do hope it will turn out to be a half decent popcorn flick though.
I liked it. It was better than I expected. Good cast and fun. Not nearly as clever or as cool as the original but still good. Weller was a MUCH better Robo but the new guy was still ok. Good flick.
Well I agree its crap if you wanted it to be exactly the same as the original.![]()
Yikes indeed. Me and my brother HATED it. I wasn't ranting after the movie like he was but damn did I leave the theatre burning with rage. You know what my brother did? He asked 30 minutes in when it would be done. He was that bored and pissed off at it. Should of heard him on the ride home. Best review he would give to sum up the movie.![]()
Saw it. Liked parts of it.
As i expected, its different from the original wich was the Best way to go.
No point in mimicking the original.
I liked the new take on the character himself, the fact that Murphy is aware, that hes a puppet in a big scheme.
Used and abused. The deshumanization at the service of the governement.
Wich is in total synch with the first Elite squad, Padhila awesome flick.
As for the whole political aspect, the way it shows that the us are basically lemmings being manipulated for money and imperialistic purpose Will not resonate very well with the average audience. Quite funny and not far from the truth not only in the us.
Now the whole action aspect of it, with the corrupt, cops, the action was too generic.
Felt like a Tv show, even visually it was poor.
You can feel that the director was not really into that aspect.
I also find very funny that keaton and hs team looked like a bunch of studio execs botching a movie with marketing ideas.
Nothing to hate or **** on.
It was ok.
Gonna see it this weekend in IMAX. I've read a few reviews online and for the most part they are pretty good. I had a couple buddies go see it today and they told me they liked it. I think some people love to hate on this movie because they feel it's expected of them if they were born in the 80's. When I heard they were rebooting this movie I was actually excited. Taking the original movie concept and mixing it with modern technology sounded awesome to me. If there was ever a movie that would benefit from a remake I think it's Robocop. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that applies to every movie, but films that are centred around advanced technology and superman feats I think benefit from what modern film making can achieve.
If only Robo weren't Alex Murphy and the ED weren't 209 I might be able to accept this movie as its own thing. After all, if they were going to depart from the original origin story so much, why bother keeping the names the same? If it's a new story, why not new characters in new (but similar) situations. You can still call it Robocop, just not Alex Murphy Robocop. Then it would have been fine.
Don't lump us all into the same bag buddy..RoboCop 2014 = haters don't like it because it's too different to the Weller movie..
Don't lump us all into the same bag buddy..
I hate that it got made at all.![]()
I loved it. Made the GF watch 80s version then we saw 2014 version. She shrugged at 80s as ok and loved 2014.
If only Robo weren't Alex Murphy and the ED weren't 209 I might be able to accept this movie as its own thing. After all, if they were going to depart from the original origin story so much, why bother keeping the names the same? If it's a new story, why not new characters in new (but similar) situations. You can still call it Robocop, just not Alex Murphy Robocop. Then it would have been fine.