Super Freak
Well, regardless if the movie is decent or not, its already being called a box office failure, and the weekend isn't even over.![]()
Please see Dredd (2012)

Well, regardless if the movie is decent or not, its already being called a box office failure, and the weekend isn't even over.![]()
Just came back from the screening. Absolutely loved it!
It is impossible not to compare with the original, but this was damn good in its own right! First reaction from wifey (with a gleam) was, "It was Fantastic". Which, usually, never happens for the action / sci-fi genre.
If there's one thing which I could point out was the score. In certain scenes, it actually sounded strange. That's the only gripe I have with the movie.
Collectibles wise, I'd love to see a HT (both versions) or wouldn't mind a SS PF too.![]()
It's strange, I didn't really notice anything wrong with the score. It wasn't brilliant, it just served a purpose I guess. I did like that they included the original theme though!
Which post did you quote?Fixed for accuracy.![]()
Apples and oranges. Dredd killed itself with its almost exclusive 3D release. RubberCrap doesn't have that excuse.
There is no twist, he is fully aware that he is Alex Murphy from the moment he is revived after his accident. When he sees the full extent of the damage to his body and the true cost of being given a "second chance" at life (ie. the fact that there is nothing left of his former self except a brain, head, lungs, and hand), he asks the doctor to kill him immediately because it's a life he does not want to live.
RoboCop has people like you? Maybe that's hurting it?
see, i consider those parts pointed out part of the WEAK points. silly as it is, keeping the hand was pretty pointless and ORIGINAL. as i've said before "originality" came off as WEAK.![]()
Maybe you need to brush up on that reading comprehension?
I assure you, nobody reads my posts and says, "Holy NAM has posted more scriptures, breth-ren! We must abide!!!" Bottom line, if we'd seen something we actually liked, instead of press release after press release of a-typical halfassed remake garbage, you know, that stuff that's supposed to SELL the movie, we'd all have lined up at the theatres opening night. Novel concept for you to grasp, but you haven't even tried.![]()
Based on that, and feedback in this thread, I would say feelings are mixed, which is different than a consensus that a movie is mediocre, which unfortunately seems to be the case for the Monuments Men, which I was planning on seeing tonight. Some like it, some don't.So, the general verdict is this movie is garbage?
I just checked IMDB and RT, and the scores are 6.7/10 and 49% respectively. Now I am trying to analyze why I liked it.![]()
Based on that, and feedback in this thread, I would say feelings are mixed, which is different than a consensus that a movie is mediocre, which unfortunately seems to be the case for the Monuments Men, which I was planning on seeing tonight. Some like it, some don't.
Take IMDB ratings with a pinch of salt. They are horribly skewed by people making multiple accounts and spam rating a movie either a 1 or 10 to reduce / increase the movie's average score. Makes them feel better, or something.