Robocop (2014)

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Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Who are you? Original Freddy's PA? :lol
He was blatantly a child molester first and a killer second :lecture

You're wrong. They never said it. They said he was a child murderer in the first film. Yes, yes, Wes Craven wrote him as a child molester blah blah, but he cut it out. So therefore, it didn't happen.

I'm not against the idea. I'm just against the remake taking away the killer part. A child diddler isn't scary. It's just gross.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Yes. He was both In the original and the reboot. Me thinks sombody was too young to see the original when it came out and just automatically holds older movies that he wasn't even old enough to enjoy in high regard. One thing I will never understand, is why someone who wasn't even alive for the original films or had a connection to them growing up could be so against reboots. The people who should hate reboots are those that lived and experienced the originals when they came out not kids watching reruns on the fear network

Case in point. My dad loves 3:10 to Yuma and hated the remake. I liked the remake because I was never as attached to the original since it was before my time.

What a stupid post.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

No. It's pretty retarded to suggest that someone can't enjoy or feel attached to a film if they weren't alive to see it opening night in theaters. That doesn't make any sense.

Can I say, you're too old to watch these remakes because you weren't at the right age to see them? I think I can. Because that's just as stupid.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

No. It's pretty retarded to suggest that someone can't enjoy or feel attached to a film if they weren't alive to see it opening night in theaters. That doesn't make any sense.

Can I say, you're too old to watch these remakes because you weren't at the right age to see them? I think I can. Because that's just as stupid.

Again u missed the point. Whoosh straight over our head. I didn't say u couldn't enjoy them, just sayung people who grew up with them when they were first released have a stronger connection to the films

Sort of like how young kids like the new star wars prequel trilogy and didn't think it was a travesty like those who grew up with the OT
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Who's to say I don't have as much attachment? Maybe a few years less then some, but still. I don't call myself the number one RoboCop, or ANOS fan, but those films are dear to my heart, and I've loved them ever since I was little.

The reason why young kids love the prequels is, that's probably what they saw first. I saw the original films way before the prequels came out. I grew up with them. I saw the prequels, and loved them for a good while, until they fell apart in frequent viewings.

I see what you're trying to say, I just don't think it's right. The only thing I can compare it to is that Zim show. I watched that show the day it came on, until the day it got cancelled. I suppose i'm a "true fan". But the thing is, if you've just discovered it, and love it as much as I do, then so what? You're just as big of a fan as I am.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Personally I don't care about remakes one way or the other.

If they suck I will always have the original.

If they are good then great I can place them along side the original.

I will admit that Hollywood has not attempted to do any of my all time favs yet. Guess they are just too perfect to mess with ;) If they were to attempt to remake a film like JAWS, I think I would be upset. But what if it somehow turned out great? How would I feel then?? I don't know.

The Nightmare remake while not that great did not mess with a great original film... IMO.. It messed with a great original character. And while I like how the actor played the part, I have to agree that making him just a creepy child molester instead of molester/killer sort of ruined the impact of the character.

There are some remakes that I really enjoy but are not as good as the original (Dawn of the Dead)

There are some I actually like more then the original (TCM)

And there are some where I don't know what anyone was thinking (Psycho)

But remakes in general don't bother me...


This Robocop remake seems like a bad idea... I think the original is just one of those films that got lucky and everything came together for. The perfect director, the perfect cast, the perfect score, the perfect F/X artists... I mean everything about Robocop idea is sort of silly. I thought the film was going to be laugh at bad when I first saw it. But it struck gold.

Not sure a remake will be able to pull it off. And so far the new Robocop outfit looks stupid (unless I have not seen the real one or something)

But if it sucks.. I don't care. If it sucks and People like it.. Oh well. I will forever have the original one to love!
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

So I went and looked at some of the photos for the film.

ED - 209 looks cool. But man the Iron man influenced Robocop suit is just so boring.. BORING!!!!

Works for Iron Man, Not for Robocop.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Who's to say I don't have as much attachment? Maybe a few years less then some, but still. I don't call myself the number one RoboCop, or ANOS fan, but those films are dear to my heart, and I've loved them ever since I was little.

The reason why young kids love the prequels is, that's probably what they saw first. I saw the original films way before the prequels came out. I grew up with them. I saw the prequels, and loved them for a good while, until they fell apart in frequent viewings.

I see what you're trying to say, I just don't think it's right. The only thing I can compare it to is that Zim show. I watched that show the day it came on, until the day it got cancelled. I suppose i'm a "true fan". But the thing is, if you've just discovered it, and love it as much as I do, then so what? You're just as big of a fan as I am.

There is a difference between being a fan and enjoying something in the here and now and being attached/connected something for a long period of time, in this case original movies. Attachment takes time by definition. The longer u are around something the more you are attached to it. Thus my point, the people that hate reboots are those like my dad with 3:10 to Yuma because they are more attached to the original because of how long it has resonated with them and because they experienced it new. It becomes part of their life experiences and history.

I watched both versions of 3:10 to Yuma and I actually enjoyed them both. Then again I wasn't loyally attached to the original
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

netflix for me :lecture:exactly:no matter what...end of story
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

It became a part of mine. Who are you to say other wise?

I just don't like these remakes because they rarely ever do something new with the concept. They just regurgitate it, and it's too similar to the original. It's lazy.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

It became a part of mine. Who are you to say other wise?

I just don't like these remakes because they rarely ever do something new with the concept. They just regurgitate it, and it's too similar to the original. It's lazy.

Yes you don't give remakes a fair chance since you automatically think they are unoriginal. That was my point your biased toward the originals but its strange too me because I thought that required attachment. Why hate reboots just because its cool to do??

We live in the reboot age, if u want original movies we have to go back to the 90s again.

Ya I meant remakes/reboots whatever it still steals ideas from the original. Splitting hairs there a bit with that distinction
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Because they're lazy. I'm not talking about reboots, i'm talking about remakes. This is a remake. Not a reboot.

You have the same characters, the same outcome, and it's boring. I've seen RoboCop. I know the story. Why do it again? For a new generation? Why do they care? Give them something new. Give them their own RoboCop. Make up a hero that works for them.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Call them remakes, reboot's or a remake pretending to be a prequel. They all share one thing in common, they're only being made because the studio's sense an easy profit. How often does a sequel/remake/reboot/prequel get the budget and production time of the original? Studio's want the filmout yesterday so they can cream the profits off the loyal fans dedication.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

If the story is good, I'm willing to put aside some of the Robot design issues. Like you said JAWS, I will always have the original.

But I agree with Celtic - make the movie their own, versus just doing the same movie over again (but not as well). Case in point - Star Trek Into Darkness - They tried too hard to make is similar to Wrath of Khan, and as a result failed miserably.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

No matter how good buzz this movie gets, I have dwindling interest in this remake, despite liking the actor Joel Kinnaman and his performance in The Killing. Maybe seeing the trailer will change my mind.

adamchitwood: ROBOCOP remake footage is promising. Heavy on the satire. Action-centric footage handheld but controlled. Sam Jackson has Bill O'Reilly vibe

devincf: ROBOCOP panel opens with pretty good fake news show. Drones are the subject here. Doesn't seem funny. Maybe angry.

EricVespe: They brought out the RoboCop cast to Basil Poledouris's original score. Wonder if they'll carry it over? That could only be a good

ErikDavis: ROBOCOP intro trailer was all about Sam Jackson's CNN-type anchor shtick & suicide bombers leaping onto the back of a rogue ED-209 #sdcc

adamchitwood: Subject of ROBOCOP's satire appears to be aimed straight at the drone use issue.

adamchitwood: In the new ROBOCOP, Joel Kinnaman's character doesn't die. #sdcc

devincf: ROBOCOP footage is interesting, ends with a horrible delivery of "Dead or alive, you're coming with me."

EricVespe: First footage from RoboCop borrows a whole lot from District 9 and Afghanistan Iron Man stuff in terms of visuals and tone.

EricVespe: The big clip that just played looks slick, but I get a sick feeling that it's going to just be a more boring version of Verhoeven's film.

EricVespe: The Middle East stuff was actually my favorite part, seeing the ED-209s in action securing the streets was interesting.

devincf : ROBOCOP looks very different from the original. That makes me hopeful.
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Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Sounds completely retarded. Why is any of the movie taking place in the Middle East? And Murphy isn't even dead? Just put this directly in the Walmart $5 bin already and quit bumping this thread into my peripheral vision.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Sounds completely retarded. Why is any of the movie taking place in the Middle East? And Murphy isn't even dead? Just put this directly in the Walmart $5 bin already and quit bumping this thread into my peripheral vision.


I was a defender of the remake to start out, but seriously, the Middle East!!!

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