Rogue Comiquette

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Any inconsistencies between the print and the statue never really bother me though...just as long as it's apparent that the statue was created to mimic the print.

While that was the original idea, Adam's print art is often done AFTER the statue is finished. So Adam provides the sculptor with sketches, and input. The Sculptor makes the statue, and THEN Adam has been doing the print at the end. The sculptor cannot refer to art that Adam hasn't given him or her.
IMO, Rogue should not be done by Hughes.
She is sexy, but not to the extent of the previous ones he has done.
She is untouchable and that is what adds to her appearance.
She just does not show enought skin for it to be an AH type.
IMO, Rogue should not be done by Hughes.
She is sexy, but not to the extent of the previous ones he has done.
She is untouchable and that is what adds to her appearance.
She just does not show enought skin for it to be an AH type.

Hmm... I can't support your view.
I think sexiness isn't just a matter of showing enough skin. And we did not see the final product yet.
Of course it's a question of taste, I think Emma isn't that sexy everyone says...
I like Rouge and think its a good one to do... But I'll wait to see it before I decide.
Hmm... I can't support your view.
I think sexiness isn't just a matter of showing enough skin. And we did not see the final product yet.
Of course it's a question of taste, I think Emma isn't that sexy everyone says...

I guess what I am trying to say, to be true to the character, you can't show the skin, like he has with the previuos two.
I realize that sexiness in not about being nude.
However, the previous two AH showed a lot of cleavage and a thong.
Rogue seems to look like she has here early green and white outfit on.
The early adjectiveless X-Men series with Jim Lee as artist had lots of sexy Rogue in it.

Plus I am judging before I see the full product.
I guess what I am trying to say, to be true to the character, you can't show the skin, like he has with the previuos two.
I realize that sexiness in not about being nude.
However, the previous two AH showed a lot of cleavage and a thong.
Rogue seems to look like she has here early green and white outfit on.
The early adjectiveless X-Men series with Jim Lee as artist had lots of sexy Rogue in it.

Plus I am judging before I see the full product.

Adam and I are old fogies. For us, the X-men were a team that existed LONG before Jim Lee. Our Emma Frost is the John Byrne White Queen, and lately we've come to love the latest incarnation by Whedon and Cassiday. Rogue is a villian newly turned X-man, wearing green and white; not a southern belle with a yellow and green costume with a leather jacket.

Adam's interpetting classic incarnations of these characters. Incarnations that he personally cares about. There have been ALOT of statues of Rogue in the Jim Lee designed costume, but none of this era. I think its a nice addition. But I'm obviously biased. And old. :rolleyes:
Nice! If I was more into Marvel I'd get these pieces. They really add something to your collection. :monkey5
Definitely getting this. Like Saffron, I am an old fart too and enjoy AH's style, plus I like Rogue as well.

Another nice addition to add to my AH collection.
OH WOW. I realy don;t like statues... but this one i might do.. ad fot those of you complaining of the lack of skin = lack of sexyness... her latex outfit in the sketch leaves VERY LITTLE to the imagination....