Again, Return of the Jedi made this a problem long before the prequels did though. Obi-Wan straight up lied to Luke anyway you cut it. According to Return of the Jedi, Obi-Wan and Yoda hid Luke and Leia from The Emperor and Vader. Anakin didn't even know he had children. So that whole "your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough" is still BS. That infamous "point of view" thing is terrible, contrived writing and Alec Guinness just manages to sell it. It always made me mad that Luke isn't angry about it. His reaction or lack thereof is awful. He should be pissed that these two old weirdos he placed his trust into lied to him, but nope.
The continuity gets worse with each movie. The saga as a whole, even with the "Star Wars: Legends" fat cut from it is a mess. Return of the Jedi was the harbinger of problems that would plague Phantom Menace and each sequel afterwards.