To me , I never saw any agenda in GB. It was just bad.
BUT people might say I was being a caveman and didn't like it because women were the leads.Therefor I am Misogynistic.
OTHER, People could say they SAW and agenda in the film, and didn't like it because they do not like the feminist agenda being pushed in the film...
But you see, there
was an agenda with Ghostbusters, this is fact, that thing you say, it's exactly what happened.
They cooked up a narrative that if you didn't like the look of GB from the trailers, then you were either a misogynist, a manchild or a trump supporter, again, this is fact, and they used this faux controversy to boost promotion, to the point that it was a "social duty" to see this movie to stick it to the man, or else...
It all depends on your position before seeing the film.
Not always, it's a trend nowadays that creators actively try to push these things, it's not a secret. That agenda pushing thing is not just a meme, it's a trend and it's actually happening.
For instance, those claims of the writers that Rogue One was charged with political stuff turned up to be nothing, and Disney knew that this stuff can turn people away these days, and the main dude came and said there was no political agenda in RO.
But then you take a look at Marvel comics, and you'll see moer often than not, it's actual agenda pushing.
(BTW , I think Fury Road was viewed by many as feminist....I was not one of them.)
I wouldn't say many, a few people momentarily tried to make it a thing but it didn't catch up.