On a somewhat related note I did revisit all three prequels (first time since before TFA came out) at the request of my daughter. I still have a certain nostalgia for the look and feel of TPM and watching it does take me back to all of the PT pre-hype which was a lot of fun. Other than kid Anakin and a too long running time it really is quite watchable as a "throwback to 1999" movie.
Maul seems less cool after Vader in RO but he's still fun to watch.
AOTC is just an abomination. The only way I even survived it was by basically Mystery Science Theater 3000ing it. When Shmi Skywalker was buried my daughter asked me why there were two other gravestones. I said who knows, some other family members or something. And she jokingly replied, "So what's the small one for, his leg?" (referring to Clieg Lars) I laughed out loud, high fived her and we were able to endure the rest in a pretty jovial mood.
ROTS has a pretty cool mood to it, too bad about all the poor dialogue and overuse of CGI because it could have been decent. I actually was able to get into it as its own little thing apart from the rest of the post-PT saga. Grievous was more fun to watch than I had remembered. Palpatine's quiet scenes were pretty cool but his fighting and cackling moments were just terrible.
It cracked me up just how much the Jedi twisted the "you're not a master" knife with Anakin. After his outburst in response to being denied the title even though he had a seat on the Council then a few scenes later he's all, "Well Palpatine thinks I should be the one to bring Grievous in." And then Yoda goes, "Someone with more experience should do it, a master. Which I suppose would mean pretty much everyone else in the room but you."
I really like the performances and music during the "Anakin's the father isn't he, I'm so sorry" scene. All the worst scenes are still just as bad as they ever were though, none of them have gotten better with time.