Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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I don't know why my brain thought the 1st and 2nd act was slow during my first viewing.

At home it blows by, it's not slow boring it's just a slow burn and even then it's more like a medium speed burn but once that 3rd act starts it turns into a pure Star Wars adrenaline high until the credits hit.
Ever since my 300 plus bluray collections was stolen at one point i decided from that point on to get digital, now i have 500 plus movies on itunes, physical copies have their plus, audio compression size and aspect ratio, along with smooth frame rate, while digital for now have the capacity of being played in any device you can log into, then so far itunes keeps expanding their itunes extras, with many new content including with movies that never had it before, when i bought the batman flicks they had zero support but now they have all the content the anthology dvd set has on the first film, meaning they keep updating their library and content towards new movies, the ANH film was added extra rogue one content to match the release of the film! There is cons and pro's for everything, but in the end its up to you if you are a purist. I must have watched RO like 30 times before the blu ray came out but nothing will matched the audio compression rate of the physical copy... IMHO.

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It's great when a movie actually picks up its pace AFTER multiple viewings, right?

Yeah I guess lol

Ever since my 300 plus bluray collections was stolen at one point i decided from that point on to get digital, now i have 500 plus movies on itunes, physical copies have their plus, audio compression size and aspect ratio, along with smooth frame rate, while digital for now have the capacity of being played in any device you can log into, then so far itunes keeps expanding their itunes extras, with many new content including with movies that never had it before, when i bought the batman flicks they had zero support but now they have all the content the anthology dvd set has on the first film, meaning they keep updating their library and content towards new movies, the ANH film was added extra rogue one content to match the release of the film! There is cons and pro's for everything, but in the end its up to you if you are a purist. I must have watched RO like 30 times before the blu ray came out but nothing will matched the audio compression rate of the physical copy... IMHO.

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Damn you're worse than ummm me lol
Maybe, i am ocd when watching movies, i have a home theater everywhere i dwell, living room, office and bedroom, I can never watch a movie without it anymore, plus it helps i work in the entertainment business so I always maximize the best possible way to watch a movie LOL.

It is sad almost no films are shot in native 3d and resort to conversion, but i have stuck with 3d ever since it came out and can honestly say the best damn 3d film of all time is Sanctum, which made me believe in 3d in the first place, thankfully Disney is one of those companies that still sticks with it.

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I like that Chris Weitz had Chirrut saying "May the Force of others be with you" to passersby in Jedha. That's *really* old school, in fact it's a phrase that dates all the way back to George Lucas' very first SW draft.

As does the fact they're guardians of the "Whills".
it's honestly probably the strain he puts on his eyes during 3D BR binges. :lol

:lol :lol :lol


It's great when a movie actually picks up its pace AFTER multiple viewings, right?

For me it's great and rare when it happens. :yess:

I just want to see a Guardian of the ills with Ice Cube as Hangry Solo, Snoop Dog as Chewrappa and Tupac as Gangsta Ghost YOda!

:lol :rotfl:lol
Watched it last night first time on blu ray fantastic movie second viewing with subtitles. I will admit whenI watched it in theatres I liked it but I was lost and did not know what was going on time to time. With subtitles you relate to the words (sorry I have kids and I need subtitles) Deep Thoughts once the plans were uploaded from Scariff it is placed all into one disk (and only one disk). Today's world it would have been uploaded to all the rebel cruiser’s every ship would have a copy. It would have immediately been sent to Rebellion server!! There would never be the physical task of bringing a “hardcopy” to the rebellion .

Sure in todays world we don’t have ships that can fly to other planets but it is funny how our technology is somewhat more advanced.

What Im trying to say is Leia would have never needed to place the plans in to R2 D2… a result OT never existed!! (POWWW) get yourselves up off the floor guys!!
I don't know why my brain thought the 1st and 2nd act was slow during my first viewing.

At home it blows by,

Yes the first stop for the heroes is Jedha which has lots of action, Galen's message, and the DS attacking then they flee and go to Eadu, once they leave Eadu there's a quick interlude at Vader's castle and then they're back at Yavin 4 planning the Scarif attack. Somehow the movie moves at lightspeed yet never feels rushed or that each scene didn't have it's own proper time to breathe. Really amazing balance there. Regardless of who needed to come in and help and when this film really is an editing triumph.
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If I had to choose the one scene where the dialogue gets a little clunky it's during that pseudo exposition dump when the alliance is arguing if they're going to war or not.

They're just vomiting lines so fast that it all comes off sounding like they're reading them off a screen.
Watched it last night first time on blu ray fantastic movie second viewing with subtitles. I will admit whenI watched it in theatres I liked it but I was lost and did not know what was going on time to time. With subtitles you relate to the words (sorry I have kids and I need subtitles) Deep Thoughts once the plans were uploaded from Scariff it is placed all into one disk (and only one disk). Today's world it would have been uploaded to all the rebel cruiser’s every ship would have a copy. It would have immediately been sent to Rebellion server!! There would never be the physical task of bringing a “hardcopy” to the rebellion .

Sure in todays world we don’t have ships that can fly to other planets but it is funny how our technology is somewhat more advanced.

What Im trying to say is Leia would have never needed to place the plans in to R2 D2… a result OT never existed!! (POWWW) get yourselves up off the floor guys!!

No thoughts?
If I had to choose the one scene where the dialogue gets a little clunky it's during that pseudo exposition dump when the alliance is arguing if they're going to war or not.

They're just vomiting lines so fast that it all comes off sounding like they're reading them off a screen.

Actually I really like that scene as well. People being rude and jumping in when it isn't their turn to speak. I could buy that that's how it might go for these various leaders who had previously never been tested in putting their money where their mouth is. They come off as a bunch of poseurs who viewed the Alliance meetings as some sort of emotional therapy but were never really serious about putting their words or complaints into action. When finally faced with the turning pointing of actually taking action most are terrified. It actually makes sense that you never see those other system leaders in the Alliance after that.

And I actually find some of the lines to be pretty hilarious. "I joined the Alliance not a suicide pact!" And I literally laugh every time the one whiny guy says "A Death Star? This is nonsense!" It's just an organic moment where someone actually pays lip service to the absurdity of Star Wars and I love it. :lol

Of course Cassian didn't attend the meeting. He's all "see I knew those idiots wouldn't believe you. It's why I don't even listen to them anymore and anytime we want to do something we just do it 'off the record.'"

Mon Mothma seems to secretly agree. Almost like when she says, "I'm sorry Jyn, without the full support of the Council the odds are just too great" it's code for "okay I've said what I'm supposed to say, anyone who wants to take matters into their own hands be my guest, Raddus you listening?"
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FJ is a beautiful woman but she has big rabbit teeth. There are shots that bothered me as she looked like she had a mouth guard on when her mouth was closed!!!

Yeah I know I am mean…… :(
I'll tell her you said that when I meet her next week.

While your at it tell Noomi Rapace from Prometheus that I had issues with her wide cheek bones!! Looked like her face was going to explode.
Dammit I can be so mean hiding behind my desk!!!