I'm curious knew, what do you think of the line in TFA about clone troopers? does that ruin your personal "cannon"?
Honey is that you?
Yeah Python, do what Wor says. Keep watching it until you're brainwashed into thinking it's great. Also make sure you go see Episode 8 in theaters multiple times this winter.
Python’s assessment of the film is kinda how I remember RO. Dull through most of it, not caring about most of the characters, but having an exhilarating (if perhaps hollow) finale.
I haven’t watched RO since I saw it the one time in the theater, and I’m not particularly chomping at the bit to watch it again either. I didn’t even bother to buy the blu ray! I have it in my Netflix queue, so I’ll definitely see it again soon. Compare that with TFA which I really enjoyed and couldn’t wait to watch again, and I find myself liking it more with every viewing.
Actually, I posted that a few months ago
He could at least try![]()
Even with Luke as cool as it would be we just saw Vader do the same.
Luke is 1 movie too late!
But i'm still open to being blown away by....
Luke vs Sith battle, maybe even Vader again?
Another high quality big space and ground battle.
Sith army.
Yeah I was thinking that too. Really all he can do is match what we just saw Vader do. If they do anything more then they'd be crossing over into twirling Palpatine territory. How are they going to top RO's space battle? They literally had like a hundred TIE Fighters launching from the Shield Gate at once. What's left for Episodes 8 and 9? *200* TIE Fighters? A thousand? RO went right up to the line and stopped just short of giving us too much. Doesn't leave a lot of room for improvement. And without question Poe Dameron <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< seeing Red and Gold Leader again.
The slim place where Eps 8 and 9 have openings are with mass land battles and mass lightsaber duels. Haven't seen that in live-action SW yet. Saving Private Ryan *combined* with Braveheart could be awesome. We'll see (if they even go that route of course.)
I must be getting old, but to me, none of that space battle stuff matters if I don’t care about the characters.
You're not old, the space battles in TPM and ROTS proved that years ago.![]()
Don't get me wrong, I love a well-choreographed action sequence as much as the next guy. I just need to be invested in the characters and why they're fighting!