I'm on such a Star Wars high right now. Flew down to Orlando Friday night. Attended SW Celebration on Saturday. Got my prom photo with Felicity
I'm on such a Star Wars high right now. Flew down to Orlando Friday night. Attended SW Celebration on Saturday. Got my prom photo with Felicity, had a cool little chat with Denis Lawson (Wedge), saw all the sweet new figures and prototypes, flew back late Saturday night to still make the Easter Sunday morning service. Just watched The Last Jedi trailer with the kiddos. What an epic weekend!
Snowspeeder Luke was actually one of my favorite figures and if it comes out looking like the proto it will be a homerun IMO.
Stormtrooper Han was awesome too
I thought Yoda looked great.
That Ashoka almost ruins that print.
Congrats on the poster!
Glad to hear that Luke pilot looks great in person. And Yoda too.
How was Han's face? I assume pretty good or you would have mentioned it. I do want to try and get the head to replace my ANH one.
I hear you. Though I didn't even notice her at first glance. What I love most about it is that it puts my favorite character of the saga dead center but also still gives props to Luke by making him the biggest character and above everyone else. For all the other characters Jason Palmer literally chose the best rendition of each (ROTJ Emperor instead of ROTS, etc.) He even cherry picked the absolute best elements of the PT. No Kid Anakin, Kid Boba, Jar Jar, etc. My eye always goes right to the cluster of RO/ANH characters and then I scan the rest. I absolutely love it.