Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Wtf is up with Guyver? his little sister "hack" his account? what a ****

Sorry , didn't mean to stir up trouble

I just don't care for the term Mary Sue..sounds like a dumb blonde or something
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Sorry , didn't mean to stir up trouble

I just don't care for the term Mary Sue..sounds like a dumb blonde or something

not stirring up trouble, you just seem "off" tonight :lol

Mary Sue to me sounds like a 50's female character that superceded the role or went over the top to show how much better females are than males, its kind of an insult, and I dont think it applies to Rey, but I also dont really care haha

just remember this is a place where Iron man 3 is considered "good"
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

I subscribe to the theory that Rey has some sort of history as a padawan, training under Luke until the Knights of Ren attacked and she had to go into hiding (to finish her training later -- possibly at the end of TFA). To accuse her of being a Mary Sue when there are two films left seems extremely hasty and more than a little cringe-worthy.
Max Landis doesn't accept the trilogy justification, which I would understand if this were any other series, but this was never meant to be a one-time deal. Hell, the big bombshell linking Luke and Vader in the OT didn't even come until ESB. To suddenly reject that reasoning when it has carried the franchise this far is to be a hypocrite.

As for this trailer, looks good. Didn't even strike me that the lead is female until I read some of the MRA comments aggregated on other sites. Good lord. It's fascinating, the internet's capacity to highlight both how far we've come and how much we have left to do.
The only thing that really did strike me was that this is another story more or less based around the original Star Wars. I'm excited for this, no doubt (and it stands a decent chance of being a more cohesive film than TFA given that it's an off-shoot), but can't we experiment with more eras? Or at least a plot that has nothing to do with a giant, planet-destroying battle station?
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

I subscribe to the theory that Rey has some sort of history as a padawan, training under Luke until the Knights of Ren attacked and she had to go into hiding ....

In Rey's lightsaber-induced flashbacks, the scene where Unkar is pulling the little girl away... that's Rey. A little young to be someone's Padawan, isn't she? At best she could have been a "youngling"... but then what? Did she forget everything? That's silly.

I think she's just supposed to be the positive side to Kylo's negative side, the stronger he gets, the stronger she gets without even knowing it. They are of the same bloodline...
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Leia and Luke are of same blood line. I didn't see her force powers progress as Luke's did. Naw. I agree with Blade3327. She is a Skywalker and she has had training in the force (albeit at an early age... But being of the bloodline she was likely quite precocious.)
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Leia and Luke are of same blood line. I didn't see her force powers progress as Luke's did.

That's true.

But when Luke called to her in ESB -- hear me Leia -- it sure clicked up a few notches (she suddenly even knew where he was).

I think that's what happened when Kylo gave Rey the force-juice in his sex-chair.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Landis has a point - if we're taking the film as it is now, on its own, then Rey is incredibly powerful and potentially too much so for it not to be odd. But it doesn't really bother me when watching the movie, so I don't care. :lol
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

At best she could have been a "youngling"... but then what? Did she forget everything? That's silly.

Not at all. That's the point. Some of it (or perhaps a big chunk) stayed with her, which would explain why she's able to do so much. Kylo didn't complete his training either. Against a seasoned Jedi, neither of them would stand a chance, but against each other, sure.

I think she's just supposed to be the positive side to Kylo's negative side, the stronger he gets, the stronger she gets without even knowing it. They are of the same bloodline...

That could be. I wouldn't know which bloodline, but it's a possibility.

Leia and Luke are of same blood line. I didn't see her force powers progress as Luke's did. Naw. I agree with Blade3327. She is a Skywalker and she has had training in the force (albeit at an early age... But being of the bloodline she was likely quite precocious.)

She doesn't even have to be a Skywalker. But trained by him, yes. The way Luke looked at her at the end of TFA seemed to imply he knew her, but hadn't seen her in a long time. It was a look of recognition and remorse IMO.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

I don't like this "Mary Sue" term. It's like the term "over-the-top"... it gets overused by people wanting to seem in-the-know.

I don't like the term in-the-know either.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

The way Luke looked at her at the end of TFA seemed to imply he knew her, but hadn't seen her in a long time. It was a look of recognition and remorse IMO.

He could have been looking at the lightsaber.

At least we'll all know the answer in just a year and a half.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Landis has a point - if we're taking the film as it is now, on its own, then Rey is incredibly powerful and potentially too much so for it not to be odd. But it doesn't really bother me when watching the movie, so I don't care. :lol

The film presents a problem in that if an untrained (at least not recently) Rey manages to defeat Kylo Ren as she did, what sense will it make if she gets beaten by him in the next film after she presumably gets training from Luke Skywalker?

It was a mistake to have her win the fight, even considering Ren's injury. He should have been on the brink of defeating her and then maybe Chewie comes to the rescue in the Falcon or that big chasm opens up at just the right time or something. Undermining the primary villain in the very first film could and should have been avoided.

And yeah, one can't help but feel that ''girl power, **** yeah'' was the reason they did it the way they did it. I feel it was misplaced. It was enough that she took him on. No one would have thought less of the character not being able to win this early. In the normal conventions of storytelling that should come later.
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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Don't worry, Kylo's a padawan now.

Wait until he gets his new outfit and his new powers. He will dish out some hurt. The second film has to end on a down note.

Worse than Rey's secret abilities is Kylo's ability to force-hold a blaster bolt without thinking. And he needs to finish his training...? Like that's a casual ability?
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

Worse than Rey's secret abilities is Kylo's ability to force-hold a blaster bolt without thinking. And he needs to finish his training...? Like that's a casual ability?

And isn't this the guy who wiped out the rest of Luke's students? Just how did he manage that if he's supposedly such a novice himself?

Anyway, I'm off to bed before someone is wrong on the internet and I get indignant.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

I don't like this "Mary Sue" term. It's like the term "over-the-top"... it gets overused by people wanting to seem in-the-know.

I don't like the term in-the-know either.

Agreed. One person used it and now everyone is latching onto it without the same consistency. On that note, I should give some credit to Landis for not being a hypocrite about it. At least he extended his "it must stand on its own" rationale to BvS as well -- and he's an absolutely massive DC fan. Most others I've seen throwing the term around never had a problem with similar male leads in other films.

He could have been looking at the lightsaber.

:lol:lol:lol As anticlimactic (and unlikely) as it would be, I admittedly delight in the thought of an old Luke fixating on that lightsaber in his senility. She'll be asking for her mission and all he cares about is where she got his weapon. Maybe make him a wacky Yoda-type character. But that won't happen.

The film presents a problem in that if an untrained (at least not recently) Rey manages to defeat Kylo Ren as she did, what sense will it make if she gets beaten by him in the next film after she presumably gets training from Luke Skywalker?

And isn't this the guy who wiped out the rest of Luke's students? Just how did he manage that if he's supposedly such a novice himself?

To be fair, he would have been much younger then, perhaps with his training more fresh. Also the students he killed, if they were close to Rey in age, would have been younglings at best. Could've been an 'Anakin in Ep. III' situation.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

In Rey's lightsaber-induced flashbacks, the scene where Unkar is pulling the little girl away... that's Rey. A little young to be someone's Padawan, isn't she? At best she could have been a "youngling"... but then what? Did she forget everything? That's silly.

I think she's just supposed to be the positive side to Kylo's negative side, the stronger he gets, the stronger she gets without even knowing it. They are of the same bloodline...

perhaps it was Kylo delivering Rey to Unkar... after helping her suppress her memories... he is obviously very capable. his interrogation of her seemed to open up the blockage she had been living with...
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

He could have been looking at the lightsaber.

At least we'll all know the answer in just a year and a half.

I always felt he was looking at the lightsaber. It seemed liked - 'oh, where did you get that? Oh, no. Not all this again'

He had gone into exile after all.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

It was a mistake to have her win the fight, even considering Ren's injury. He should have been on the brink of defeating her and then maybe Chewie comes to the rescue in the Falcon or that big chasm opens up at just the right time or something. Undermining the primary villain in the very first film could and should have been avoided.

:exactly: Just like ANH. :lol

And isn't this the guy who wiped out the rest of Luke's students? Just how did he manage that if he's supposedly such a novice himself?

Maybe it was mostly Snoke at that point?
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

The more y'all keep talkin about faults in TFA the more Lucas' Prequels look better :rotfl.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)

After reading all the comments I'm surprised none of you got the story arc as facebookers did... STAR WARS: MOCKINGJAY

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