Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Does not have to be bigger... I still think Empire's Asteroid chase is one of the series best "space battle" moments. I could have used a little more of main characters being involved in the final battle in Rouge One. It was a great scene but could have been better with one of the main characters flying around up there. A little more focused. I loved the final battle but actually still think I like the ROTJ battle better just because Lando and Wedge were up there.

Completely agree.:clap
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

when are we going to merge both rogue one threads?? how much longer for no spoilers in here?
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Nah morph, it's not what you think.

I find it enjoyable to deconstruct movies, to see, hear, feel and think about them in a new manner.

I mean why not, the OT are decades old where is the harm in prodding them to see what other angles their narratives, themes and arcs can be experienced from.

It's a healthy tug of war having these movies analyzed and reevaluated.

One reads an opinion then shares their own thoughts.

No harm no foul really.

well yeah, but atleast get the facts straight. i thought everyone understood the Palpatine - Vader - Luke story for the past 33+ years. But seemed like a lot of people forgot what had happened.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

this concert has better cgi likeness than Leia :lol

Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Anakin as Darth Vader in ROTS is more of a serious threat than he is in ROTJ. I'm not talking about him in the iconic Vader suit either, just the newly christened, robed Anakin Darth Vader.

In ROTS, Vader is being the Emperor's little ***** because he doesn't want his family to die and feels betrayed by his friends. With a battalion of troops he goes and masacares a bunch of said Jedi friends and children, goes to Mustafar and murders the surrending Separtatists and gets his limbs lobbed off while burning alive in agony. Pretty hardcore stuff.

In ROTJ, Vader is being the Emperor's little ***** . . . for absolutely no reason at all. He just "must obey his master". All he does during the movie is pick on Moff Jerjerrod and tries to poorly convince Luke to join the emperor (nothing he says is convincing). He's belittled, talked down to, gets his ass handed to him by Luke and turns out to be an old marshmallow man. Then he's somehow forgiven for all of his sins. It didn't take the Blu Ray "noooo" to make him suck, he was always planned that way, even in deleted scenes.

Look at him tapping his fingers onto his chest like a goof and ceasing his actions because "it's what the Emperor commands".

He was willing to get himself killed so his son could take his place in a life of misery at his master's side. Doesn't get much more pathetic than that. This was the guy from Star Wars and Empire that hated the Rebels and had aspirations to overthrow the Emperor and rule the galaxy on his own.

Rogue One gave him his balls back for sure, but it wasn't the prequels that took them away. Anakin Skywalker sucked long before 1999.

View attachment 311022

I like Luke and the Emperor, I think the Throne Room is one of the best scenes in the movie!

But Vader (along with Harrison Ford, the ewoks, the Leia is my sister revelation, the lighting and shot composition), sucks. A-dev, I know you've mentioned problems with his redemption and how he's pretty unredeemable and I agree. It's not because of his actions in the prequels though. Just disregarding them, Vader is a piece of crap. No, not because of ANH or Empire, but because of Jedi. He could have defected on Endor if his son, his blood, meant that much to him. But he doesn't. He brings Luke up to the Emperor and is completely fine with his son killing him and taking his place as the Emperor's **** boy. Even goads Luke by suggesting his sister take his place if he doesn't turn.

The whole "I sense good in you" thing is lame. What "good" is there in him? Vader clearly believes in the Force, the Dark Side and the Empire and is convinced that is the right path. Vader doesn't consider himself a bad guy, it's clear in ANH and even Rogue One. He's not enthusiastic about the Death Star, he's not about destroying millions of lives and respects the Force just as much as Yoda or the blind dude in Rogue One. He even considers overthrowing the Emperor. Then by Jedi, all of the that is thrown out of the window and suddenly he's just a slave. "There's no hope for me Luke", "Obi-Wan once thought as you do Luke", "you don't know the power of the dark side Luke, I have to obey my master". He never makes a compelling argument why Luke should turn, he just acts like a victim who has no choice. It's pretty bad. He's "redeemed" because suddenly he decides to make the most obvious choice he should have done earlier? I don't think so. Once you take into account betraying his friends, killing all the Jedi, children, torturing Leia, torturing Han, beating his son to a pulp and lobbing off his hand, etc. he shouldn't get to become a cheesy, grinning Force ghost.

Even in Episode III he isn't that pathetic. Palpatine is a means to an end and he even considers overthrowing him before he fights Obi-Wan.

Yeah my actual response to this will be 'coming soon' - like Hot Toys see?

I really need to go asleep. Gathering your two posts like this for my own convenience when I do revisit.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I'm way behind on Rogue One discussion so I don't know how far back those DiFabio posts are but I've always for the most part agreed with his assessment of ROTJ's shortcomings. Pretty much everything he describes above mirror my own problems with the film. Vader, Han, Fett, Leia in the Ewok village, just so many examples of previous badasses being totally neutered in the interest of conveniently wrapping everything up.

I even totally agree about the static and uninspired lighting and shot composition from beginning to end (and don't even get me started on that unforgivably half-assed Falcon matte painting when 1:1 Falcon exteriors already appeared in both the previous films.)

But...I forgive it because of the brilliant second unit footage (Space Battle FTW), Williams' score, and a multitude of enduring iconography (Jabba, Rancor, Sarlacc, Leia's bikini, speeder bikes, etc.) and a strong line-up of secondary characters like Ackbar and Wedge.
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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Yeah my actual response to this will be 'coming soon' - like Hot Toys see?

I really need to go asleep. Gathering your two posts like this for my own convenience when I do revisit.

Don't try it! It's over a-dev, I have the high ground.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Wait a second you were Anakin earlier on, you're switching characters now?

Go on, make the obvious come back, I dare you
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Hahahaha, you think this is the real Anakin?


It is.

Bet you weren't expecting that.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

this concert has better cgi likeness than Leia :lol

Why did they have to show her in semi-close-up - and even speak that cheesy line (and umm... isn't Luke supposed to be the "new hope," not a memory stick of data?) - if they weren't sure the CGI could pull it off?

Why not only show her from the back as they do at the start, and show the disc being given to her. It's like they got cocky with the CGI like in TPM but ended up with something that is on-par with a videogame cut scene.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

Why did they have to show her in semi-close-up - and even speak that cheesy line (and umm... isn't Luke supposed to be the "new hope," not a memory stick of data?) - if they weren't sure the CGI could pull it off?

Why not only show her from the back as they do at the start, and show the disc being given to her. It's like they got cocky with the CGI like in TPM but ended up with something that is on-par with a videogame cut scene.

the grin she does at the end of her line is the creepiest thing. the cgi makes her look dead-ish like a zombie
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

Why not only show her from the back as they do at the start, and show the disc being given to her.


If they needed shots of her face, then they should have just used stock footage from a Christmas Special and have her start singing her life day song while Captain Antilles stands there after handing her the disc.

Close out the film with that song and maybe a montage of shots of shot up K-2SO, the blown up corpses of Bodhi, Baze and Chirrut and the ashes of Jyn and Andor. Then one last shot of Leia's drifting coked out eyes before it cuts to the credits.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

Sorry if this is late and has already been answered, but I have been skimming through the discussions about timelines and character ages.

Regarding the timeline and the age of characters, there aren’t any issues or inconsistencies that I can see. The official Star Wars timeline always refers to events happening in years before or after the Battle of Yavin (the battle at the end of the first Star Wars film; Episode IV - A New Hope). They show this by BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) or ABY (After the Battle of Yavin).

The films are shown to take sit into the timeline as follows;

Episode I – The Phantom Menace = 32 BBY
-10 years-
Episode II – Attach of the Clones = 22 BBY
-3 years-
Episode III – Revenge of the Sith = 19 BBY
-19 years-
Episode IV – A New Hope = 0 BBY/ABY (The point from which all time is measured)
-3 years
Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back = 3 ABY
-1 year-
Episode VI – Return of the Jedi = 4 ABY
-30 years-
Episode VII – The Force Awakens = 34 ABY

Rogue One largely takes place takes place a few weeks or perhaps even just a few days before A New Hope, so we can safely put that at 0 BBY/ABY alongside A New Hope.

Jyn tells the Rebel Alliance leaders that she hasn’t seen her father in about 15 years. That means that the scenes of her as a child watching her mother get shot by the Death Troopers and her father get taken by Krennic take place at 15 BBY; 15 years before A New Hope and 4 years after Revenge of the Sith. So, the plot hole that someone raised about the Empire starting to build the Death Star before Revenge of the Sith is incorrect. They started building it at some point in the 4 years between Revenge of the Sith (19 BBY) and the young Jyn scenes in Rogue One (15 BBY).

Given this timeline, and other material, we know that the various character ages are;

Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader

Born 41 BBY
The Phantom Menace – 9 years old
Attack of the Clones – 19 years old
Revenge of the Sith – 22 years old
Rogue One / A New Hope – 41 years old
The Empire Strikes Back – 44 years old
Return of the Jedi – 45 years old

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Born 57 BBY
TPM – 25 years old
AOTC – 35 years old
ROTS – 38 years old
RO/ANH – 57 years old

Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa

Born 19 BBY (at the end of ROTS)
RO/ANH – 19 years old
TESB – 22 years old
ROTJ – 23 years old
TFA – 53 years old
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do not read these are real

I knew I'd seen the end of RO before - the death of Jyn and Cassian is identical to the end of These Final Hours (2013). :horror

A man and a woman standing on a beach holding each other as an inferno races towards them over the water, obliterating them in a blinding flash.

06.50 onwards:

Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Saw Rogue One twice this weekend, once with the comic book club I sponsor and once with family and friends, and it was awesome! :rock

I loved all the nods to Episode IV. :yess:

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