Origins Kurgan Crusader
Yeah glad I have mine secured too. Not worried about the wait.
So many different stories, but if it makes it by Dec I will be happy. I just want to make sure I have mine secured. This is my current most anticipated release.
Will this guy be in stock again???
Will this guy be in stock again???
Does anyone know how one updates their credit card info on Cotswold Collectibles site? Or do I need to email them? It doesnt even let me view the order history or anything. This is the first order Ive placed with them before.
Yea you can't check order history with your account.
But you should be able to update your credit card by editing your account.
Hmmm I must be blind cause all I see is the shipping and billing info. No CC section...Weird.
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The costume looks pretty good! Not too sure about the boots though. Was he wearing roman sandals?