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I'm so annoyed that apart from a horrible hair colour choice clashing with goku's go, and dancing, I still don't know what God mode is exactly.:lol

it's just a glorified temporary power boost, nothing more. So far there's no indication it does anything else, perhaps when BoG2 comes out we'll get more insight
That much I presumed.

To me Gohan's ssj2 was "god" ssj. Not saying that to attest anything canon, but just, personally, I feel it that way. He was born with that locked away, the son of someone who became ssj against all odds. Just love that idea.

And that he continued his training in other world and became ultimate gohan, almost looking like his father, love that too. Like, it closes the circle for me.

SO I guess I'll buy maybe just U Gohan, Vegito and if at all released, Videl. Just to have the peak of z fighter power.

Maybe I'd buy ssj3 Gotenks to complete the family. ssj3 Gotenks is cooler than ssj3 Goku imo. Because they're kids they get away with the wacky sonic-vibe better.

Yeah, those three lined up sounds good to me.
So Supreme Kai's line in the anime that kid buu is his strongest form is either a mistranslation or not from the manga at all? Because if that can't be proven, then I see no reason not to believe him.

True, he does say it "lowered" his power, but I don't take to entirely literal. Buu's new "frolicking" persona made him far less dangerous, as the old Supreme Kai's goodness cancelled out Buu's true nature, that of pure evil. So it's not like his power level dropped, more like his happy go lucky persona no longer dampened his wickedness and lust for destruction.

Also, that SHF Zero SS Vegeta is almost certainly bootleg. If it ain't I would exchange it, cause it is poorly manufactured. see for yourself:

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The zero bootlegs are VERY convincing. Really watch out. If it's a deal below retail value, I'd already immediately ignore it. Buy from well known, official sellers.
Here's the ep where kid buu appears. Vegeta and goku cant tell if hes stronger or weaker. But Supreme Kai literally says: "This Buu is even more powerful.
https://www.dragonballclub.net/dragonball-z-episode-277/ 11:15

So either the dub is wrong, or the anime is inconsistent, or the manga itself is inconsistent.

But I see no reason to not take the character literally. He's Supreme Kai he knows this being better than anyone else.

So without proof of a different original text in the manga, or word from Toriyama himself, this dub is simply inconsistent and illogical, and if it's the same in the original material, than the material entirely is inconsistent and illogical.
ermahgerd! the AC statue taken with the galaxy S4 is bootleg cuz it has a blue'ish rock! :derp:
I always understood it as since he's uninhibited and unrestrained by any outside influences, he's therefore "stronger" and more relentless. Although technically Gohan-Buu should be the most powerful, since he has all the others absorbed, he also absorbs their weaknesses and is by default influenced by their personalities good or bad. It's a package-deal.
Here's the ep where kid buu appears. Vegeta and goku cant tell if hes stronger or weaker. But Supreme Kai literally says: "This Buu is even more powerful.
https://www.dragonballclub.net/dragonball-z-episode-277/ 11:15

So either the dub is wrong, or the anime is inconsistent, or the manga itself is inconsistent.

But I see no reason to not take the character literally. He's Supreme Kai he knows this being better than anyone else.

So without proof of a different original text in the manga, or word from Toriyama himself, this dub is simply inconsistent and illogical, and if it's the same in the original material, than the material entirely is inconsistent and illogical.

Yeah, but I wouldn't exactly trust Supreme Kai on anything. Do we not remember when he said Vegeta couldn't take PuiPui, or Gohan was no match for Dabura. The guy's a hack. He's only Supreme Kai cause Buu ate his boss in the first place. Plus he does have a long history of over exaggerating.
My point more Sup is that that is an interpretation, and therefor an opinion. I see your point you could be right. But it's not a factual proof.

I'd prefer a form of proof, at the very least what the original anime dub and the original manga make of it, before I step away from my current position that the fights-powerlevel correlation is inconsistent and illogical in the Buu era.

I respect your opinion, but so far I see no reason to value it as more than an opinion. The whole doesn't convince me to change my own thus far... Without any new factual info.
new book entitled "Dragon Ball Z: The Mythology of Moral Ethics and Philosophy" on sale 1st quarter 2015
Yeah, but I wouldn't exactly trust Supreme Kai on anything. Do we not remember when he said Vegeta couldn't take PuiPui, or Gohan was no match for Dabura. The guy's a hack. He's only Supreme Kai cause Buu ate his boss in the first place. Plus he does have a long history of over exaggerating.
I think Supreme Kai is 50/50 on this; on one hand, he witnessed most of Buu's destruction when Bibidi was alive, so he might have some grasp of Buu's power. On the other hand, he does indeed severely underestimate the Saiyans, even though he witnesses Gohan's SSJ2 transformation first hand. We'll need to find the manga or something to know the true extents of Kid Buu's power.

IMO, I think that when you look at it, Super Buu with Gotenks and Gohan absorbed was excessively cocky as well, and tried to screw with Gohan and Vegitio respectively, but Kid Buu didn't really care. He just went straight to the punch. Super Buu might have taunted the inhabitants of a planet he was going to blow up, and given some time to be distracted, while Kid Buu literally blew up after a few seconds; he only didn't blow up quicker to look for Goku and Vegeta.
new book entitled "Dragon Ball Z: The Mythology of Moral Ethics and Philosophy" on sale 1st quarter 2015

Insta-buy. A kantian critique of Master Roshi would be much appreciated.

Will there be a conversation between King Kai and Aristotle as an introduction?
Questions for all those who ordered Android 18 directly from Amazon.com and not a third party on amazon:

1.) Did it ship already? If so, when?

2.) where did it ship from? (Location listed in tracking)

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