It can be a bit busy on this thread but if you stomach it I think you'll be quite well served by the community here.(What an authentic sig btw.)
However, I think you guys won't be seeing much of me (weep, or rejoice, as desired). 16's just not worth the money to me right now and from everything showed my only interest is U Gohan, think I'm gonna pass the manga reissue too. I highly doubt gohan will get here before any sdcc ex will, and who knows I might even be disinterested in that as well. Effects is the only thing I might pick up earlier, does anybody happen to know when that yellow electricity effect arrives?
So safe to say, reserving a big news outbreak to discuss, I'll have little to add this half year I think.
(Hey Blood, I did buy the damashii Wing Zero EW reissue!)
Agree with basically everything you say. This thread has become incredibly busy in the past year. Also a lot of the newer releases (the recent broly, "mystic" Gohan AKA the 4th Goku head swap, SS4 Goku, and Super Buu with Zfighter clothes) dont have me interested. All I want is a Great Saiyaman, Kid Buu, Tien, and Yamcha and I will be ready to call it quits with this line.