And scalpers. Most of them are probably pretty rich.
I almost wish Tamashii knew about the bootlegs...but then that may make things worse actually, since some people use the bootlegs for customs or stands in for the real deal. Tamashii could take it the wrong way and take legal action, but still NOT do anything about re-issues.
I know for a fact that companies like Good Smile Company are very aware of it and constantly tell their fans about it, though usually they are alerted by the fans themselves but regardless, they try to stop it. one knows just how they work.I think Bandai knows about the bootlegs and counterfeits. I lived in Thailand in the 90's and everytime we went to the markets, there was counterfeit merchandise EVERYWHERE! And yes, LOTS of counterfeit toys...I even had some fake DBZ Super Battle Collection figures. Honestly, bootlegging has been EXTREMELY prevalent in Asia for's just the advent of the internet allows them to sell their products internationally. Bottomline though that the bootlegs were so bad, it's HARD to ignore.
The difference is, Bandai doesn't seem to do much about it..OR maybe they are, we just don't hear about it.
I know for a fact that companies like Good Smile Company are very aware of it and constantly tell their fans about it, though usually they are alerted by the fans themselves but regardless, they try to stop it. one knows just how they work.
Also, from AnthonysCustoms this was retweeted
he mentioned re issues ( not just SSJ Goku, SSJ Gohan and Piccolo) or something, and some other vague details. very odd...
I just heard from Anthony, the tweet doesn't seem to mention it, thought someone here may knowI looked at the tweet and did a translation and it came out to...
"Comic character featured exhibition" is started with "soul Nations AKIBA Showroom"! Colorful figures such as Dragon Ball and One Piece Gather! Is 10:00 opening.??????? AKIBA???????TAMASHII NATIONS AKIBA SHOWROOM # He ba_sr"
Was there a website to go to for the reissue mentioning?
Haha, I'm 56 days away and counting down!
I got that tiny Goku for about 6 bucks last time. Probably alot cheaper when i got it.Thanks for the feedback. I didn't buy any Dragon Ball collectible in a while. With figuarts being so expensive I just went ahead and ordered the SDCC box set. Still came out to $10 per figure. I forgot if the regular comes with stands, these one looks like they come with it.
I got that tiny Goku for about 6 bucks last time. Probably alot cheaper when i got it.
blood and his struggle for Nappa