S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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The lightning effect from the Super Saiyan Goku Figuarts Zero on Vegito looks really cool...

Found this on Saint Seiya by Titus from William Besse

That gives me a reason to get a few bootlegs simply for the electricity effects. The new "Thunder" effect coming out doesn't seem like it would wrap around a DBZ figure to give the SSJ2 effect. This looks perfect. Vegito looks magnificent, I can't wait till I get mine :)
Playing devil's advocate, GT could be retconned by SSGSS since whenever Goku or Vegeta go Super Saiyan in GT, there hair is still yellow. According to the new movie, the yellow hair is forever gone and replaced by the blue. For that simple reason alone, GT haters can't argue it's officially not official.

Unless that at the end of the new anime, Whis or someone more powerful decide to go back in time and change things so these god transformation thing would never happen.
@Adeno late reply but I agree regarding your spoiler tagged part. That would be really cool. Though, I'll have to see the film to really know my opinion of it.
That gives me a reason to get a few bootlegs simply for the electricity effects. The new "Thunder" effect coming out doesn't seem like it would wrap around a DBZ figure to give the SSJ2 effect. This looks perfect. Vegito looks magnificent, I can't wait till I get mine :)

I think we just need to see them in person or in that specific use because this makes me think it's possible...


I know, I'm tempted to get Vegito soon rather than waiting. Like I mentioned before, if Manga Gohan is available on Nippon, I'm doing it.
Despite Silrian's passionate hate for Dragon Ball GT, Super Saiyan 4 Goku is still happening.

Wouldn't mind if Toriyama did something with the evil dragon plot theme but I'm almost sure he won't. He designed an entire new char + new plotdevice for vegito just because they used gogeta in the film earlier than he could use him in the show. He's quite keen on him showing his stuff or ideas first. So I assume any GT ideas are probably off the map for this.

I think expanding upon the Gods is some of the coolest stuff. It'd also be nice if he gave the dragonballs more lore, possibly even involved the namekians again. I mean, how DO they create these things? Maybe they're not namekian at all but just a race who it was taught to. Perhaps the first dragonballs were made by a God. I think there's great stuff to do with what he brought in in terms of lore with BoG and without spoiling anything the end of RoF does seem to hint at what might be to come.

Really hope the series is post-RoF, with a teen/adult Trunks And what somebody else said, was that you Ang? Or Adeno? About designing plots that don't involve rendering everyone but goku and vegeta largely useless. Toriyama needs to watch the JL TAS.:lol
That gives me a reason to get a few bootlegs simply for the electricity effects. The new "Thunder" effect coming out doesn't seem like it would wrap around a DBZ figure to give the SSJ2 effect. This looks perfect. Vegito looks magnificent, I can't wait till I get mine :)

The bootlegs zeros effects do not come out so it would have it break it most likely.
Wouldn't mind if Toriyama did something with the evil dragon plot theme but I'm almost sure he won't. He designed an entire new char + new plotdevice for vegito just because they used gogeta in the film earlier than he could use him in the show. He's quite keen on him showing his stuff or ideas first. So I assume any GT ideas are probably off the map for this.

I think expanding upon the Gods is some of the coolest stuff. It'd also be nice if he gave the dragonballs more lore, possibly even involved the namekians again. I mean, how DO they create these things? Maybe they're not namekian at all but just a race who it was taught to. Perhaps the first dragonballs were made by a God. I think there's great stuff to do with what he brought in in terms of lore with BoG and without spoiling anything the end of RoF does seem to hint at what might be to come.

Really hope the series is post-RoF, with a teen/adult Trunks And what somebody else said, was that you Ang? Or Adeno? About designing plots that don't involve rendering everyone but goku and vegeta largely useless. Toriyama needs to watch the JL TAS.:lol

I agree!

I think this would be a great opportunity for Toriyama to focus on the depth of specific plots. I know a lot of people are hoping for the introduction of other universes since the door was opened in Battle of Gods. What would be interesting is if the origin of the Dragon Balls are from a higher power similar to Whis and Beerus. Like you mentioned, maybe the Namekians were taught from another race about the Dragon Balls. Do other universes have them and if they do what kind of power do they hold? Is Shenron the weakest? (Didn't Beerus mention that the other universes were quite stronger compared to Goku's?) Just an unlimited amount of possibilities to bring something new and fresh to the Dragon Ball mythology.

Another thing that I would really like to see, if it's not touched upon in the new movie, is the back history of the first Super Saiyan God. Maybe a television movie special? I don't know, something that gives us more information on that. I doubt it will happen since the Legendary Super Saiyan never had a true back story.

I do, too. I would rather have a continuation rather than a "back step." I believe that was Adeno which is a great idea. That is a great television show for inspiration! Have revolving different adventures for different characters. Piccolo/Gohan, Goten/Trunks, Goten/Goku, Trunks/Vegeta. Lots of possibilities for this series and I hope they capitalize on it.
Dragon Ball is here to stay. Our grandchildren will be watching their own iteration, so on and so forth. Greatest fighting manga ever made.
Unless that at the end of the new anime, Whis or someone more powerful decide to go back in time and change things so these god transformation thing would never happen.

Lol, that'd be a huge slap in the face and a huge disappointing ending to the fans. I don't mind GT but that would going too far :lol

You never know, Toriyama could decide at the end that he liked things the way they were and just do that.
Dragon Ball is here to stay. Our grandchildren will be watching their own iteration, so on and so forth. Greatest fighting manga ever made.

i'll pass my Figuarts down through my family and they'll pass it on to theirs and so on. Or they'll just sell em for mad dough when I croak :lol
Unless that at the end of the new anime, Whis or someone more powerful decide to go back in time and change things so these god transformation thing would never happen.

Whis can only go back in time up to three minutes so that would not be possible.

Sent from my Vortex using Tapatalk 2
apparently at the end of RoF, Jaco considers arresting Whis for what he did, because messing with time is a "serious offense against the galactic laws"
The Spirit Sword effect has a peg hole on the side facing the bottom if anybody was curious.
So, apparently Superman has a new attack he calls Solar Flare...


Where would Superman be without dragon ball?
Has Manga Gohan been released in Japan yet? I've seen eBay flooded with them but they all seem to be pre-order.
Crisis asked for an Android 16 picture awhile ago so I figured I would post one that I put together...


May need to change Android 16's face to a smiling face although I like the look of him not giving a **** about the Z-Fighters and just wondering where Goku is so he can destroy him.