S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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I hope they do older stuff too. I'm still holding out for a lot of older releases. They'll of course continue to do dbz stuff because it ties in directly with dbs but while gt doesnt contradict dbs, it doesn't tie in with it either.

I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see any gt characters because now we have this prequel series which may or may not overwrite gt eventually. Dbs could cover a massive span of time like dbz and end up way into gt's timeline.

I know the whole canon-not canon argument is stupid. But now that toei has Toriyama back in the saddle I could see any new figures focusing on Toriyama's version of the dragon ball universe. But for your sake, Angelo, I really hope they release ssj4 Goku.

There's a lot of older releases that Tamashii obviously knows the collectors would like to get at some point. It's all a matter of WHEN they'll be released. (Speaking of that, which Saga does everybody feel is the most lacking?)

After the poll that was taken and Tamashii knew what's demanded, especially by the Western market, I honestly don't think Tamashii cares whether or not something ties in directly with Dragon Ball Z/Super anymore. I understand your point but Tamashii is completely different from Toei. Toriyama has always expressed GT being an alternate timeline. Tamashii caters specifically to collectors. So even if Toriyama does write things that contradict GT, it doesn't wipe GT out of existence. It happened. Tamashii knows there are fans and that there is demand for those characters.

There's no doubt that Tamashii is going to focus on the new material character releases. I hope they do because I'm ****ing loving these new sculpts. Hell it allows them to release another Goku and Vegeta. (Hopefully more updated characters, too.) With that being said, and appreciating that you hope they release the character for me :hi5:, Toriyama's position at Toei doesn't affect the Tamashii release of Super Saiyan 4 Goku at all.
I doubt the final episode of dbz really exists in this universe now. I'm starting to think the divergence was with Beerus waking up rather than the start of GT.

I have also recently came to the conclusion that GT is simply on a different timeline, much like Trunks timeline. I dislike GT, but this way everyone wins [emoji14] It simply isnt canon to the BoG timeline.

Its already been confirmed that GT is no longer canon btw, so everyone knows. The info is out there somewhere.
There's a lot of older releases that Tamashii obviously knows the collectors would like to get at some point. It's all a matter of WHEN they'll be released. (Speaking of that, which Saga does everybody feel is the most lacking?)

After the poll that was taken and Tamashii knew what's demanded, especially by the Western market, I honestly don't think Tamashii cares whether or not something ties in directly with Dragon Ball Z/Super anymore. I understand your point but Tamashii is completely different from Toei. Toriyama has always expressed GT being an alternate timeline. Tamashii caters specifically to collectors. So even if Toriyama does write things that contradict GT, it doesn't wipe GT out of existence. It happened. Tamashii knows there are fans and that there is demand for those characters.

There's no doubt that Tamashii is going to focus on the new material character releases. I hope they do because I'm ****ing loving these new sculpts. Hell it allows them to release another Goku and Vegeta. (Hopefully more updated characters, too.) With that being said, and appreciating that you hope they release the character for me :hi5:, Toriyama's position at Toei doesn't affect the Tamashii release of Super Saiyan 4 Goku at all.

The most lacking saga is the Garlic Jr saga, where's the love for Garlic :lol

For real though, I feel the most lacking saga is the Namek saga. All we really have from there is Frieza. Piccolo is good for ALL sagas so he doesn't factor into this. Next would be the Saiyan Saga since it's only Scouter Vegeta and his Arlian counterpart. I guess Krillin can count too, although he's good with all saga's except Buu.

Toriyama's going ons have nothing to do with what they release. They release what they want, when they want. They'll definitly try to tie in the new media with their figures but we've still got A LOT of old characters left to release. Main and minor characters, GT included. There's still the original Dragonball to consider which they WILL do eventually. As I've said before, this line is thriving and growing at an exponential rate. Soon, some of us won't be able to keep up with all the releases. Happy days ahead boys
About Toriyama, this is a man who forgot what SSj2 was supposed to look like, among other things (amidst taking inspiration from various fruits & vegetables, and other household items). Like someone said several pages ago, dude is asleep at the wheel half the time & needs his assistants to bring him up to speed, so what he said yesteryear can completely contradict what he's going to say next :wink1:
It was recently reconfirmed crisis, kidding yourself gets you nowhere [emoji14]

GT is where it belongs, the retcon bin [emoji38]
It was recently reconfirmed crisis, kidding yourself gets you nowhere [emoji14]

GT is where it belongs, the retcon bin [emoji38]

Toriyama retcons himself half the time. His ripe old age of 60 is catching up to him. I wouldn't be surprised if the reason why we haven't seen Goten and Trunks anymore is because Toriyama just forgot they existed :lol
They were in the last movie and every other piece of content. Don't you think that's a bit unfair?

In regards to worrying about canon, I really like the Multiverse fan manga and that's not even an official work! I just think of it as an alternate dimension too.

If anyone hasn't read it, here's the link. I think they did a great job handling all the characters. It might make you guys more excited for some of these releases. The alternate universe Super Boo, Vegetto, Ultimate Gohan are so awesome in it!

A really strange tournament! - Page 0 - Dragon Ball Multiverse
There really was no excuse not to include them in RoF (ehh this isnt a spoiler anymore, its been common knowledge by now). I hope the real reason was because they wanted to save their new character designs as teens/adults in the new series
They were in the last movie and every other piece of content. Don't you think that's a bit unfair?

In regards to worrying about canon, I really like the Multiverse fan manga and that's not even an official work! I just think of it as an alternate dimension too.

If anyone hasn't read it, here's the link. I think they did a great job handling all the characters. It might make you guys more excited for some of these releases. The alternate universe Super Boo, Vegetto, Ultimate Gohan are so awesome in it!

A really strange tournament! - Page 0 - Dragon Ball Multiverse

I was just teasing ol Tori! I wanna see them fuse as teens. I feel they do have potential to become great characters but they have yet to be really fleshed out. This series could do just that.
The most lacking saga is the Garlic Jr saga, where's the love for Garlic :lol

For real though, I feel the most lacking saga is the Namek saga. All we really have from there is Frieza. Piccolo is good for ALL sagas so he doesn't factor into this. Next would be the Saiyan Saga since it's only Scouter Vegeta and his Arlian counterpart. I guess Krillin can count too, although he's good with all saga's except Buu.

Toriyama's going ons have nothing to do with what they release. They release what they want, when they want. They'll definitly try to tie in the new media with their figures but we've still got A LOT of old characters left to release. Main and minor characters, GT included. There's still the original Dragonball to consider which they WILL do eventually. As I've said before, this line is thriving and growing at an exponential rate. Soon, some of us won't be able to keep up with all the releases. Happy days ahead boys

I think the Namek Saga is lacking the most specifically because the fight between Frieza and Goku was what 4 hours? and we can't even have a proper display of a single moment from it. If we can get Nappa soon, then the Saiyan Saga would have a huge improvement since everybody will be displaying the duo together.

I've being strength conditioning my kidneys so I could live off one if I have to. :lol Happy days indeed!

About Toriyama, this is a man who forgot what SSj2 was supposed to look like, among other things (amidst taking inspiration from various fruits & vegetables, and other household items). Like someone said several pages ago, dude is asleep at the wheel half the time & needs his assistants to bring him up to speed, so what he said yesteryear can completely contradict what he's going to say next :wink1:

Toriyama retcons himself half the time. His ripe old age of 60 is catching up to him. I wouldn't be surprised if the reason why we haven't seen Goten and Trunks anymore is because Toriyama just forgot they existed :lol

I've always found it surprising how he can retcon HIMSELF. He's going to be no different than Bob Kane/Bill Finger, Siegel/Shuster, and Stan Lee/Jack Kirby/Steve Ditko at some point in the future.

There really was no excuse not to include them in RoF (ehh this isnt a spoiler anymore, its been common knowledge by now). I hope the real reason was because they wanted to save their new character designs as teens/adults in the new series

They weren't in the Namek saga. That's a ridiculous excuse but I believe that is THE excuse.
@prodigy Oh, I would love to see that too! They did some of that in the multiverse. Did you check it out?

@angelo I second the Namek arc!
I've always found it surprising how he can retcon HIMSELF. He's going to be no different than Bob Kane/Bill Finger, Siegel/Shuster, and Stan Lee/Jack Kirby/Steve Ditko at some point in the future.

All he really needs is to have Google open when writing his stories. In case he forgets something, he can simply look it up online :lol

That or an assistant to help him REMEMBER HIS OWN CREATION. I hope Toei is able to assist him and make sure he doesn't screw things up too much. There will be inconsistencies, I just hope they're kept to a minimum. I want more info on this show damn it!
They were in the last movie and every other piece of content. Don't you think that's a bit unfair?

In regards to worrying about canon, I really like the Multiverse fan manga and that's not even an official work! I just think of it as an alternate dimension too.

If anyone hasn't read it, here's the link. I think they did a great job handling all the characters. It might make you guys more excited for some of these releases. The alternate universe Super Boo, Vegetto, Ultimate Gohan are so awesome in it!

A really strange tournament! - Page 0 - Dragon Ball Multiverse

Wow, that art is amazing in that! 1030 pages of awesomeness! That's for posting that, I've seen pictures of it before but I've never been able to find the actual website!

@prodigy Oh, I would love to see that too! They did some of that in the multiverse. Did you check it out?

@angelo I second the Namek arc!

Who would you like from the Namek arc?

All he really needs is to have Google open when writing his stories. In case he forgets something, he can simply look it up online :lol

That or an assistant to help him REMEMBER HIS OWN CREATION. I hope Toei is able to assist him and make sure he doesn't screw things up too much. There will be inconsistencies, I just hope they're kept to a minimum. I want more info on this show damn it!

I honestly can't tell if it's forgetfulness or ignorance on Toriyama's part. I'm in no way bad mouthing him but at times it's "Really, Toriyama?"

I have a HUGE amount of respect for Toei. They've been keeping the Dragon Ball franchise alive for so long. This new resurgence, to me, is their hard work and dedication paying off and I couldn't be happier being part of it.

Oh, who in the Namek Saga would you want released? It could be a single character or multiple. Somebody that you think will help the Saga in regards to this line.
I've heard Toriyama uses the daizenshuu to remember dragon ball facts. Funny enough to be true.
Namek Saga? That's easy.

Oh, who in the Namek Saga would you want released? It could be a single character or multiple. Somebody that you think will help the Saga in regards to this line.

At a minimum to have a complete Namek Saga, Captain Ginyu, First Form Frieza (with assemblable hover chair please), and Zarbon or Dodoria. For good guys, Vegeta (which ever outfit) and OG Goku. That's only at a minimum.

I personally want all of the above plus the rest of the Ginyu Force, Frieza's other forms, both Vegeta's, both Zarbon and Dodoria (Cui too), Super Saiyan Goku (would have to be battle damaged since he isn't seen otherwise), Krillin, Gohan, Bulma, Naaaaaaaail, and Dende (with Namek balls bundled). Throw in giant Guru and giant Porunga as extras and my life would be complete.
Oh, who in the Namek Saga would you want released? It could be a single character or multiple. Somebody that you think will help the Saga in regards to this line.

Zarbon, Dodoria and first form Frieza w/ Namekian dragon balls.

Could make a great diorama with the three of them raiding a village and murdering innocents.