Hey FSLAR, you're back! How are you doing?

Also, I thought you were going to conclude your speech with "going out on more than one date or dating different women," "Traveling to different places," "Taking financial risks!," "over-coming fear of falling off your bike for the first time when you were 4," etc. Nope, you suggest taking risks by buying other toys!
I don't think anyone has a fear here. Everyone's friends here and just want to get their thoughts. No one knows who anyone is and it's not going to make anyone "break their shell" or anything going on another section on a toy forum or anywhere else on the internet. Being that this is a niche forum, they won't have to read a flood of garbage there. Folks were using spoiler tags, so it was easy to ignore and mod friendly. It's the same reason why folks hate the superhero forums because they're so negative ripping on the same thing again and again. Heck, the MGS thread is the worst thread in that regards; its utter misery. It's my favorite franchise other than DB, but I only wait for a couple folks there to post. It doesn't really matter because I don't need to waste more time on the internet.
@Silrian Now, that's just disingenuous! I mean, they cook, clean, and fawn after their men too! That's why I love the Multi-verse fan-manga, because Bra is the most powerful character of the main cast. She's so powerful, because it's in a timeline where Vegetto never un-fused. Also, there's multiple versions of Pan that are fantastic! I want more female butt-kickers, but the problem has been that Saiyans were too powerful with all their forms. Lunch was actually my second favorite Dragon Ball character until Dragon Ball Z. I think Bulma was awesome as well. I still consider he a main character WAY over Tenshinhan, but the power levels got pretty crazy for her to do much.