Ftr none of this was a personal response to you Ergo, hope you know that.
DBZ has a few great characters arcs and contrary to some people's belief it's not just a shallow 'get even stronger' fest, I agree with you there. However, Yamcha is NOT one of 'm (I disagree with you there). He has no development whatsoever in dbz except 'okay... nevermind, I'll quit pretending'. When a saibaman killed him, his relevancy as a fighter permanently ended. I wouldn't say I hate the character (no joke), I dislike keeping irrelevant characters in any spotlight. If anything, the only relevance he has is just so there's a z fighter that can die at the beginning of stuff. And even THAT relevancy he loses in the Buu era. All he does is inflate the rest to me. THAT I hate.
If anything I wish Yamcha had been made stronger and given more relevancy (!), actually do give him a character arc that pays of to the story, let him do relevant things, but he can't, he's just... there... Why? Because it's completely clear yamcha is just a simple desert bandit that functioned as a funny first antagonist to goku and bulma. He's nearly the same idiot as he was at the beginning of dbz except that he isn't a jerk (the arc of pretty much every dbz protagonist except goku and gohan). I am fine with yamcha being there, I don't per definition hate the character at all, but as far as I'm concerned he has no business standing among the other z fighters, he has no real char arc in DBZ (he does in DB, not Z). He has absolutely no relevance and in the buu saga we see his ultimate fate: to just pretty much become oolong nr 2. His relevancy as a non-fighter ended when Bulma broke up with him. He has no worth to me as a z fighter nor as a non-fighting character. So that's why I'm buying Tien if he's made, but not Yamcha. (And I facepalm for ever thinking they were a duo.) I'm not spending a freakin cent on that dude.
But granted this is a general issue I have with db as a franchise and I've had it ever since the buu saga developed: beyond goku and vegeta, everyone else just keeps getting less relevant. I really dislike that. Everyone's being yamcha'd. Now basically anyone can just pack up if they're not a saiyan god. That's a huge writing issue I have and Yamcha is just the OG example of it.
Toriyama or anyone else really needs to come up with stories that don't involve one big even more powerful threat, because at this stage it renders everybody but goku and vegeta pretty much useless.
I would love to see an enemy that actuall brings a full force (maybe thats frieza in rof, havent seen it yet) that's GLOBAL. That has enemies of a lot of strength ranges so we can see yamcha put on his robe and protect civilians and actually own some of these ****ers. Same for krillin tien etc. If THAT happens I will root for yamcha. I don't actually hate him at all. I just find him utterly irrelevant and ignorable because of how the franchise develops.