Also, I hope there isn't anyone getting frustrated with the off subject dialogue here. I think we're all just antsy waiting for the SDCC news.
Majority rules. Everyone here should know as soon as figuarts news comes in everything's dropped and that's the topic. A fair compromise imo.
I think it health to talk about other subjects and have arguments, different opinions, and debates. Keeps things refreshing and interesting!
Damn, I could've used your presence a few times ago haha.

Glad to see another fellow on board with that.
Definitely doesn't have anything to do with being Namekian dude. Kami was the first on Earth. There was the old watcher, and his rival, and neither were Namekian.
Lot of posts but uh this is correct as far as I know.
But see, he thought that Buu was still imprisoned. 36 years ago, Frieza and his father were still being jerks. Lol
..which is why he should've said "Is Buu still sealed?" and then Whis would've replied "Not anymore, but he's dead now," etc. See where I'm coming from?
In fact he should've just mentioned BOTH of them. The ruler of the universe & the destroyer of Kais, BOTH being killed by ONE Saiyan??

I gotta meet this dude myself.
Of course, because despite being sealed he was still a threat to the universe. Seals don't last forever. Sealing him was only a temporary solution to a near-invincible threat because they had no other option.
I have a very simple twofold answer to this that I do not at all see as a cop out, but it does lead to a question: 1) if Buu was alive and wreaking heaven Whis would've informed Beerus and I assume Beerus knows this, Whis is in fact Beerus' mentor. They act the opposite way, but Beerus still relies on Whis. Beerus is characterised as lazy, sloppy and pretty prone to his own interest. He doesn't care about a buu in a ball he could wipe out easily. 2) Kid Buu was Buu's original form, then he absorbed a few people and eventually fat kind Kai and they managed to lock him up. None of these states of Buu in terms of powerlevel mean anything to Beerus. Buu is not a threat to him at all, simply deducable by ssj3 goku being like a rodent to him.
The question it poses however is: does this mean either
A) Beerus LET Buu go about
B) Beerus didn't know of Buu before he got sealed (unlikely)
C) Beerus wasn't around. Because in fact Beerus still has a mentor, I get the feeling Beerus is somewhat of a 'young' GoD. Isn't Buu's originally release like thousands of years ago? Perhaps Beerus wasn't even a GoD at that point.
So according to some light research and Dragonball Wiki, the Supreme Kai's are the Gods of Creation while Beerus is a God of Destruction. It makes sense that the God of Destruction would need to have ridiculous destructive power while the Gods of Creation need less.
Grand Kai rules over the regular Kais, while Grand Supreme Kai rules over the Supreme Kais.
Hierarchy goes: Grand Supreme Kai=Beerus/Whis > Supreme Kais > Grand Kai > Kais
Interesting. It seems it's all pretty greek and/or Scandinavian in the sense that it's based on world concepts that are unlike what many of us are used to now. It's not that different from greek deity lore. Hell is basically tartarus, Heaven is basically where Zeus resides (forgot the name). It also reminds me a lot of Tolkien's world where the boundary between earth and divine isn't just a dualistic metaphysical one. For those who're familiar with tolkien in detail, I kind of see the Kai heaven lands as the land of the Valar.
I find it quite an intriguing and original mix of different stuff because obviously Toriyama has added the element of space/cosmos exploration. It's a nice exotic mess, just as I've always liked dragonball. However I think we need to avoid being naieve, when it concerns beerus he's an addon character, I think the gap in power between supreme kai and beerus is largely simply due to ill writing succession.
Lastly, if Beerus is the GoD of this universe, and Beerus is on the level of Kais, then that means the other universes could have Kais as well. As he can now invent those with foresight, perhaps the balance there is different. Hell perhaps not a GoD, but a KAI could be an enemy, a tyranical Supreme Kai of another universe.