Ok, Parappa! [emoji23]I want to believe!
Ok, Parappa! [emoji23]I want to believe!
I'm in a Dragon Ball thread, if I read a dragon ball spoiler I would be kicking myself for being stupid. I'm not reading a Game of Thrones thread for a reason.
Also for the Zero Ex fans::
My point is that even if Goku is a normal release, they'll probably continue doing web exclusives for other releases and only some might be normal. And for Sailor Moon one of the Outers and ChibiMoon were normal releases despite being more or less as prominent as the other Outers. Hence why they could still end up doing exclusives with some normal releases here and there, which is at least preferable to just having them all be web exclusives.
My only issue is bbts gets them by the american release dates which is usually a month or two after initial release. Being Asian myself, I don't have that kinda patience. I want it as soon as possible. Buying them thru nippon yasan may be the best alternative for that matter.
Too bad I've stopped collecting Masterstars Piece Collection. It does look good.
Lets talk about bdagoku.
It's a $h/7 they make it like manga with namek goku relesed now. That boot with red. They should also make it with some blood, but that, they can not for what I know.
when do you think they will release bdagoku like anime?
I'm in a Dragon Ball thread, if I read a dragon ball spoiler I would be kicking myself for being stupid. I'm not reading a Game of Thrones thread for a reason.
Does Krillin use that same structure? I first thought of Broly when I saw it.
Of note, I thought SUPER actually took place just before BoG. But I can't read Japanese, so I was just going off what I read elsewhere.
I think on sdcc we will see release date for Super Buu. I don't know if absorbed or not, but i have that feeling, and for Shenron too. Ssj4 still not, but yes we can see him. I am exiting!
Shenron said "For Display Only" so he may just be there to see if people are actually interested in buying him. I'd say he'll get officially announced later this year or early next year. As for SSJ4 Goku, I think he's not present because he's part of a new GT line they'll unveil at SDCC. They still need to have SOMETHING new to show after all. I'd wager we could see SSJ4 Vegeta and perhaps a villain to go with Goku.
So you want ss4 goku and ss4 vegeta even though they're not canon. And you refuse to buy ssgss goku and ressurrection f figures even though they are part of db canon. How does this even make sense?See VegetaSsj4? Mmm yes i would liked, to be a surprise. But how everyone know. I want VegetaSsj2, even first, before release ssj4.
but, if not, isn't a problem ^^
So you want ss4 goku and ss4 vegeta even though they're not canon. And you refuse to buy ssgss goku and ressurrection f figures even though they are part of db canon. How does this even make sense?
So you want ss4 goku and ss4 vegeta even though they're not canon. And you refuse to buy ssgss goku and ressurrection f figures even though they are part of db canon. How does this even make sense?
This perception is odd because BoG and RezF is basically outlined by Toriyama himself. There is no question on its canonical merit.Some people only chose the things they want to be canon.
Unlock your inner Z fighter
See VegetaSsj4? Mmm yes i would liked, to be a surprise. But how everyone know. I want VegetaSsj2, even first, before release ssj4.
but, if not, isn't a problem ^^
This perception is odd because BoG and RezF is basically outlined by Toriyama himself. There is no question on its canonical merit.