ermagerd I missed out on all the complaining.
However on a seriouserly note.
Also don't **** with Big Deano, or you'll all find out why he's called "Big" Deano
Waiting for an Advance Vegeta? Why wait. Simply buy a Datong Vegeta and a greasy bucket of KFC and dip him in it
An Advance Color has been duplicated
View attachment 191964
I, Shadow3fade, hereby approve this message and take no responsibility on how greasy your figure might turn out.
Sorry joke or not but this is just ********, knockoffs have **** material quality. There's being saddened by something not turning out like you hoped, and then there's just getting ridiculous. (And I know, I've crossed that line myself.)
I don't think they'd want to make a new box for a reissue
Reissues and repaints are both exactly what they say: a reissues of how a product was released, or a repaint. Neither of those two, while different, state '+ new accessories and/or remoulded parts". I REALLY don't get why people either expect that to happen, or get angry if it doesn't (not talking bout you Shonen). Like, yeah I'm also like, why not release cell vegeta with a lot more ssj repainted faces that came with saiyan vegeta. I find that too bad as well. But a repaint is a repaint, the minute it said repaint, well that is just what it's gonna be. No remoulding, no extra accessories, a repaint. I couldn't give a **** what adjective they put before it whether it's advanced, or greasy, or shallow and pedantic repaint. It's just a repaint, it was never gonna be something special, they chose to make them more consistent with the look they're gonna go for (no whitened tips). And this is where I might blow Blood's mind but...
but people are getting SS vegeta! they should be happy just for that!
this is where I kinda do agree with Blood in the end. These repaints are a FAR CRY from awful, and they're the legit thing, including material quality. No scalping prices, you can buy these figures, legit, finally and they look no less different than plenty of other figures who aren't perfect. (And most of tamashii's releases aren't a 10 out of 10.)
Now, I'm not allergic to complaining or criticising like Blood seems to be. Personally, if I nag on something it's because I wanna discuss it, and hear counter pov's to mine so I might actually change my opinion (which has actually happened). But at some point it just flat out become ungrateful...

(Also @ D's original comment)
but you're just some guy from the internet. the people who proto-painted the figures surely got their feedback from others already (unless the company ask us) and the result is what we saw. the only time you can give or ask for constructive feedback is when you or someone customize/commission to get the result YOU/THEY want.
we can let them know what we want for asseccories cause they do listen to that like 17's gun
changing the hair color of broly to more greenish got noted by a staff of bluefin but did not happen by tamashii
We did have a person straight from the forum go work for bluefin so honestly we don't know for sure what they pick up from here, but I do agree that ultimately it's pretty safe to assume it won't have impact.
protos are always subject to change from the final result.
Yeah except now show me an example where the official promo [pioctures were different from the actual release...? Cause as far as I know there aren't. Vegeta will NOT come with lines on his boots, no boubt in my mind. But you can paint them on there with a pen, some skill and some patience easy as ****.
He's got a friend in Woody.
And woody has a d!k in vegeta...