KiiD Hydra
I'm crying now.
This is something...not sure what to really think. SSJ3 Vegeta is...something...hopefully it's a 4 pack? Base, SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3? >.> The many Gokus...Kid Goku is great, GT Adult is neat, Angel I think could work for people who did not pick up the base Goku (useless and pointless release otherwise), SSJ4 can die in a fire for all I care
Trunks! I think the mold looks bulked up, perhaps Ascended Trunks, which would mean the body could work for Ascended Vegeta too. Getting crossed arms is great too, it's hopefully going to be the same size and compatibility with Vegeta.
The, yay? idk.
Regular FiguartsZero SSJ3 Goku is meh, watch as it's the PM SSJ3 Gokuno PM SSJ3 Goku or PM Cell is odd but eh, makes sense I guess.
I agree with everyone, but kid goku have a ugly face. Sj4 goku not look so well. Ssj3 vegeta? Ok... Trunks i sincerally not care that. But happy for everyone who want it. Ssj3 goku... That is a reissue? A PCE? Or the same? Because looks the same to me. I also dont care about the gods.not get ssjgss goku even gold freezer and i am not thinkinget beerus, so, well goku angel? That is really for sell? Happy fof who want it too. Goku normal from Gt is nice. So conclution. Too many gokus made, but they still need work on theme. I not like he chest on ssj4. And vegeta, well if come with ssj2hair. Will be insta buy. The others well i dont want it.
Its over right? Thats all figures for tamashi nations 2015? Still left super buu.
I mentioned the new body mold, which looks to be based off awakening Goku, earlier but no one noticed [emoji14]Are we not gonna talk about Trunks' torso articulation or did I just read everyone's comments too quickly and miss it? If they use that SS3 Vegeta sculpt for Majin Vegeta they need to improve it with some torso articulation also. I wonder how many of these will actually see a release. That's a boat load of new figures. I'm totally blown away that they redesigned Goku's body for SSG Goku. Fat Beerus and chick Whis might be the first figures I skip. Outside of GrinGoku that is.
I mentioned the new body mold, which looks to be based off awakening Goku, earlier but no one noticed [emoji14]
Trunks is definitely next years normal release, I guarantee it.
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all he wants is pm ssj3 Goku, and apparently cooler. of course he does t have gratitude or care about anything elseBut yeah for real. If you're not going to be appreciative that they showed us the most figures they've ever dealt out in one event, you don't deserve them.
bad news for people sick of Goku figures. personally...I'm about to burst with excitement.
dude...I wasn't ready for all this. I don't even know where to begin.
(I typed all of this assuming each of these will see a release and don't care enough to fix that)
Kid Goku - OMG. YES! I've wanted to see this for a few years and it's exactly as I imagined it. can't believe it. AND...I'm taking this as a subtle confirmation that Goten and Trunks can work and it's just a matter of time before they come out.
Angel Goku - Unexpected surprise...I'll get it but I probably won't care about it too much.
SSGod Goku - I've been waiting to see a God Goku for so long, and Tamashii deserves all the praise in the world for making a new sculpt...yet...I'm just not feeling it. Granted the head is superb I still can't get over the illogical loss of body mass this form provides and seeing them stick to that is a bummer.
GT Goku - Beyond unexpected. I figured it was so unlikely it didn't even need to be mentioned. Still, it looks great and I like it quite a bit. Aside from that...this (and Angel Goku) could open up the door for more Goku faces and that has me incredibly excited.
SS4 Goku - So glad this wasn't crammed into the release schedule and that they updated the figure. The new joints they've added improves it drastically.
Whis - Champa - Vados - Cool to see but I'm indifferent on these three.
SS3 Vegeta - Another unexpected seemingly impossible figure. So many questions...why this form? Is it going to become canon at some point? Actually...the fact that this isn't Majin Vegeta is a massive let down. I still love seeing it but this is such a bizarre decision. AND NO SCULPTED BOOT TIPS. Absurd.
Armor Trunks - Cannot believe it. I wasn't too obsessed with getting it but...WOW. wow. It's really something else and I'm glad they're making it.
Porunga - good as it looks...why bother. The size is so inadequate. No one will agree with me on this but I hope they don't waste time releasing it.
Super Saiyan 4 Goku is perfect. I have absolutely no complaints about that figure. They improved it incredibly so. New knee joints, elbow joints, and the shoulders blend so well into the arm. The side bangs are articulated. ...I'm crying at the moment.
Cell Games Trunks is absolutely beautiful. One of Tamashii's best.
Super Saiyan God Goku, while I don't care for the actual transformation, looks amazingly accurate. Truly surprised Tamashii created a slimmer sculpt.
Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta is a huge WTF. Why does Tamashii hate Vegeta?
Angel Goku looks cool. They stole your idea, wolvie.
Kid Goku...amazing. I know a lot of people were looking forward to this and he comes with his stick. Interested to see what crisis thinks.
Dragon Ball Super characters are interesting.
Glad to see Whis.
Trunks: can't believe it. But as Supernatural said, he doesn't color match with the original ssj vegeta, so now I might have to buy the pc version after all.:/ Or I can buy two trunkses... Hm, sorta ironic.I know Goku is the main character and DB Super is the current fever but, hey, everyone would freak out if there was Nappa and Raditz side by side, right? Oh well...
SSJ4 Goku - I'm glad he is back. But I see a downgrade on his face sculpt. It was different when I see it in person last year. But hey, new knee joints!
DBGT Normal Goku - Nice one Bandai, repaint from DB Super Goku! But his skin tone should be darker and his Blue gi should be darker too.
Angel Goku - LOL
Kid Goku - It looks kinda ugly but all those joints should provide good articulation, so I'm not going to complain. And I will expect a blue repaint soon or later.
SSJ God Goku - New mold, thin body, it looks very good.
Vados and Whis - Whis should be taller, a lot taller, but they look good.
Chanpa - DB Super is the fever now, so he was expected.
Super Trunks - New mold and great hair sculpt. I hope he is as tall as goku is
SSJ3 Vegeta - Bandai asked us about DB Heroes figures and here is the answer. Interesting choice from Bandai. I expect a Majin Vegeta re-using this body.
I knew those ****ers would be saturating us with DBS figures. We get fat Beerus and She-Whis but no still no Tien? Ssj3 Vegeta but not Majin Vegeta? Wtf is that ****? It's clear now that Tamashii is trolling us with releases.
Watch SS3 Vegeta won't even get a release date, it's just there for the "wow" factor like Buuhan & Buutenks were. Probably the same with Angel Goku.