Thank you guys, so much for the pics! Someone posted the pics over at the Dragonballfigureboards, and I knew you guys would have more. I was selling off some of my figures because I was thinking about getting into another franchise, but I'm over it. I was planning on just buying Goku and Vegeta figures, but I'm back in full swing. I don't know about Champa and Vados, but I hope they're cool characters because the sculpt work is amazing. I'm so happy, guys!
Trunks: Absolutely incredible. I thought nothing was going to get better than Warrior Awakened Goku. Then Beerus happened, and now this. I am buying three of these. I want to put Goku is Saiyan armor like when he was in the Room of Spirit and Time!
GT Blue Gi Goku- I absolutely love the blue gi. I much prefer the End of Z coloring, but I still love this figure! I was going to buy a second SSGSS Goku because I love that style of gi, but I'm sticking with this! I really hope it gets released!
SSJ3 Vegeta- Well, it isn't Majin Vegeta, but at least we got the blue jumpsuit. I think I'll buy two. While I don't think the SSJ3 Vegeta form looks very good on Vegeta, I need a Vegeta to match Goku, so I'm so happy.
Angel Goku- I doubt this will be released, but the wings are nice! I wouldn't be surprised if they sell the wings separate. I bought two regular Gokus, and haven't opened my second one. I'd buy the accessories and use it for him.
Kid Goku- Awesome! He's coming with Kinto-un and Nyoibo so I'm super happy! I voted for him in the Tamashii poll because he was my second most wanted figure under Majin Vegeta, so I'm excited.
Porunga- As much as I like Shenron, I wouldn't want to spend the money for him. I don't want to spend over $50 for anyone that isn't Goku or Vegeta. I will make an exception for Porunga if they make him. I won't be sad if they skip, but it was nice seeing a prototype. The only ones I will be really sad that they don't release are the Gokus, SSJ3 Vegeta, and Trunks. Other than that, the other characters aren't a big deal, but I'll buy them.
SSG Goku- They didn't skimp out! It looks incredible! I think it looks more interesting than the SSGSS Goku, which is surprising to me. I now love this form.
Whis- He's a cool character; I'll put him training with SSGSS Goku and SSGSS Vegeta.
Champa- Amazing sculpt. I don't know anything about the character, so I'm not too excited as of this moment, but I'm sure I'll like him when I see him in DB Super.
Vados- Same deal with Champa. They really are going all out with DB Super!
Alice Cooper Nipple-less Goku- Amazing sculpt, but I think this will be the one pass. I might just get it since Goku is my favorite fictional character.
@Deano, I saw you have a youtube channel! Keep up the Great work!