Goku ssj4 - The face this time is horrible (comparing with last year), the knees looks ok. (i want it)

Goku Gt - i think is perfect (i don´t know, if i want now)
Goku Angel - It´s Goku normal adding wings and halo (i want not)
Vegeta Ssj3 - if come with ssj2 hair it´s done! if not, will be a hard decision to me. ssj3 vegeta in the reality never have it. So why?. He will get it on DBSuper (in that way we yes must get it) - (maybe i will get it).
Super Saiyan Trunks - Awesome, but he not have that hair when became angry, right?
The only trunks i would like it is when he fight against Broly.
So, between Trunks PCE and this Super Saiyan trunks, which could be better to get? which of them do you like it more? (if you have only 1 possibility *_*)
Kid Goku - His face is ugly and not looks very well with the proportions! like i read from someone (the head look bigger than all the body) and not only that, the colour from clothes don´t look like the serie. I think, i will gonna wait for a new released from him with other colour (more red). The only reason for get it at this moment is by the stick sacred (i want it, but not with that poor colour)
The Gods goku, vegeta, champa, beerus and the masters i don´t want it, but looks nice.
Only, Goku God - looks slim and the shoulder not look very well.