Now that I've gotten everything together and composed myself, thoughts starting with the Goku's:
SSG Goku - I can't believe they actually gave us a new mold. Flabbergasted really. Looks like the comments of them being lazy really hit home

Everything about him is perfect. Looks straight out of the anime. Looks like I'm selling my Banpresto Goku
SSJ4 Goku - I knew hope wasn't lost! I just...I just knew he'd come back. The face as many others have pointed out isn't quite as good as the first time we saw him but it's fine for all intents and purposes. The new knees are EXCELLENT. All the other details on him are flawless too, so happy right now. Need it even be said, I'm buying him so hard.
GT Adult Goku - Wasn't expecting this ever really. That said, looks perfect. Hard figure to mess up really since it's basically swapping and repainting of existing parts but he turned out exactly as he should be. Nice little surprise for GT characters. Would like to see SSJ4 Vegeta next. Pleasant surprise and definite buy.
Kid Goku - YES. YES. FINALLY. We're gonna get Dragon Ball Figuarts! His face looks off and his head seems a little too large. Something about the overall proportions is off but they've always been able to tweak things so I'm sure the final product will be great. I wonder if that Korin will be available one day? Will probably be seeing Bulma next. Can't have Kid Goku without Bulma. Buying for sure.
Angel Goku - Da fuq? SOO random and since he was never seen like that in the anime I couldn't care less about this figure. Won't get it unless it comes with some good accessories or different faces. Good for people that want a Normal Goku again I guess...
Whis - It was inevitable. His face is off but it'll be fixed just like Vegito and 18's was. The height is where I expected it to be since I knew they would never make him actually to scale but it's not THAT big a deal. Looks like they opted to keep his dress a solid piece which is fine. Looks great overall, definitely getting him.
Vados - Don't know about the character much but looks like it'll be a great figure. Will buy.
Champa - Same as Vados. Looks good. The part between the top of his belly and his **** looks wierd though. Seems to be a strange gap but I'm sure they'll fix it. If not, don't care. Still getting him.
Super Trunks - Amazing. The body mold, faces, and hair. Absolutely perfect in every way. I ordered a bunch of PC Vegetas so I could swap heads to make Cell Saga Vegeta and Trunks with Jacksdo's and the like. Now I'm gonna have to sell them cuz I'd much rather have this body sculpt instead.
SSJ3 Vegeta - What the hell? Tamashii KNOWS we want Majin Vegeta or at least a regular Buu Saga Vegeta. Instead they give us an official version of Vegeta. No excuse for this other than they're ****ing with us. IF and that's a big if, they don't give us Majin/Buu Saga soon, I'll end up having to buy this Vegeta and make my own Buu Saga Vegeta's. Other than the version of Vegeta that they've decided to troll us with, the body looks amazing. Sadly the boot tips aren't detailed but I can always replace with some extra of the Armored Trunks feet. They WILL release the Vegeta we want. Right now they're displaying this one just to mess with us but you best believe they have the REAL heads ready to go. I don't wanna get it even though the head sculpt is amazing. The face probably looks like that cuz, well, SSJ3. Unless Vegeta somehow attains that form in Super, I'll pass.
Porunga - Almost forgot about him lol. Looks good but without Shenron, pointless. Also, I like my Porunga statue better since it's bigger. The scale kills this and Shenron for me. Wouldn't buy either unless they upscaled them with has 100% of not happening.