Wow! I didn't think that figure could look much better. Impressive.
custom and repaint stage 2
general fan consensus:
> Toriyama had nothing to do with GT
> therefore GT sucks
> Toriyama creates Super
> thus far Super is just on par if not worse than GT
Kid Me says Super is better when the English dub comes out due to Sean Schemmel.general fan consensus:
> Toriyama had nothing to do with GT
> therefore GT sucks
> Toriyama creates Super
> thus far Super is just on par if not worse than GT
Gotta love it![]()
general fan consensus:
> Toriyama had nothing to do with GT
> therefore GT sucks
> Toriyama creates Super
> thus far Super is just on par if not worse than GT
Gotta love it![]()
Dude that's exactly how I think of it. It's utter bull how there's some people defending Super when let's be honest, it's not good. But GT omg that is such a piece of crap, that non canon garbage. **** outta here. Not saying GT's a masterpiece but it gets hate for all the wrong reasons. Super so far isn't any better.
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For the most part yeah, but I feel something did feel off about the fights. I despised how absurd Baby's parasitic powers were however, Saiyans are known for their will and pride, and he can bypass it. The ****.From what I've read about it, the pacing seems really really dull. As soon as Baby showed up in GT, it basically had the same formula as Z.
For the most part yeah, but I feel something did feel off about the fights. I despised how absurd Baby's parasitic powers were however, Saiyans are known for their will and pride, and he can bypass it. The ****.
Plus, DBZ is old, I can forgive its short comings on that, same with other older animes. GT came out sometime later and it has no real excuse.The fights were poorly animated and looks too slow. There was no sense of excitement in them. DBZ has plenty of jump cuts to make things look a lot faster since they would chop up frame animations. And there was none of that "they're moving so fast we can't even see them!" Like when you just see streaks of lines slamming into each other and the collisions destroy the surrounding area.
Plus, DBZ is old, I can forgive its short comings on that, same with other older animes. GT came out sometime later and it has no real excuse.
There's also what you said about DBZ's way of fighting. GT's...I can't really explain, but some of them had bizarre conclusions too. there's also just some of the ways it worked, or what happened. Super Saiyan not being used makes no sense. And they really shouldn't struggle with fights at this point...
Not just that, but how his sons were able to maintain it (plus Kid Trunks, don't forget he and GOten got it with no effortWhy little normal Goku, would have bursts of energy as strong as SS4 is completely retarded
The conclusion of Baby's and S17's fights ended completely wrong and didn't have true satisfaction in them. At least Omega got whacked with the Spirit Bomb, but was too similar to beating Buu.
Also bugs me that Goku killed all the villains.