I'm not really liking the removal of the bangs but your additions have greatly improved an already perfect figure, nice work.
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The next DBS manga chapter has revealed a few interesting things...
The last fighter representing Beerus...
And Champa's team.
Meh, I've enjoyed Super so far. Sure it had some odd points but nowhere near as bad as GT.
Also, knowing Toriyama he has something planned for the weird fighter Beerus chose. Majin Buu is just as strange folks, we have just gotten used to how he looks, dont forget that.
The one that looks like Frieza if nothing else confirms they are from a race, possibly the Universe 7 race died out leaving Kold and Frieza, hence why we havent seen any others.
The one at the front is giving me Cell vibes, possibly a version of him from universe 6? The saiyan will no doubt show a new form of ssj never seen before or will have mastered God form, calling it now.
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If the new one was more orange-ish, I wouldnt mind but rainbow will probably happenThe new SSJ color would be rainbow color, consist of the previous 3 colours![]()
I've gotta agree with Crisis. SS4 is a way better design than SS3.
I stopped watching Super because it's ****ing awful. I'll check it out again when funi does a dub, but right now, I just can't anymore. The best current db media being produced is the tfs dubs, let's be honest.
half of the negatives GT has accumulated are given a pass solely for introducing Super Saiyan 4. Where Super said "lets just change the hair color again," GT had the balls to switch up the entire body (even brought back *gasp* the TAIL! Remember when Saiyans had those?), and is more of what a "Super Saiyan God" should look like. It makes sense the Saiyans would perceive their deity as a vicious monkey/human hybrid of themselves, exactly what SS4 is![]()
You should wait longer. Tamashi nations should rework the articulation to match awakening gokui also agree, i also want sh figuart ssj4 goku View attachment 229543 its simply awesome! i wait he will be the next after armored trunks! *_*
Nipponyasan got in touch with me today. They're starting to ship Vegeta.
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I loved SSJ4 cuz it brought back the Saiyan's primal side. Essentially if you weren't a Saiyan with a tail AND strong enough to control your ape form, you wouldn't ever be able to achieve SSJ4. I absolutely loved that and the design is the best SSJ of all time imo. It's actually a good progression of SSJ3 since he already starts looking like an ape without those eyebrows. The hair is brought back to it's natural black state and shortened but with a wild feel. Expert design right there.
Like everyone else said, it's what SSG should've been, but nah, let's just paint the hair blue and give it a retarded name. While we're at it, let's nerf the **** out of Gohan, destroy his reputation and character, and also here's a guy that's stronger than Goku with puffy nipples![]()