Super Freak
Sorry to interrupt the discussion but I need to ask, is there a reputable general import figure group on Facebook that has a large number of members that you guys enjoy? I've grown weary of Ageless Geeks, mainly due to Alex Blas. I'm definitely interested in being part of a group to discuss figures and to have access to quick and easy sales/trades but I'm not interested in being part of a group that supposedly revolves around one seller (a seller that openly price gouges on newly released figures that can always be bought for lower prices elsewhere). I didn't join for the sake of driving profit to his business, I joined to be a part of a collecting community. Guess I should also say, this forum is good but I've grown accustomed to using Facebook groups and would like to stick with them.
I know lots of people on this thread loathe Blas but I have to ask exactly what the problem is with him? I've been a part of the group for a while now, am semi-active, and have gotten some deals and sold stuff with no problem. I've bought only a couple things from Alex personally but I've yet to see anything suspicious or bad about him or the group overall. Sure, a lot of the members kiss ass and act like Alex is the godsend but asides from that what's the problem? To me, Alex is just a toy store owner that has a social media presence and personally communicates with his customers through it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Also, welcome to the thread!