Links ain't working, Deano.
Aliexpress now have the bootleg auras (blue, yellow and purple) for £10 each free shipping, looks identical honestly.
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I posted a few pages back pics of the pink aura with Scouter Vegeta and Jakks Super Buu. Assuming the Buu's come out, the pink auras could be used for that. Also Frieza could possibly work too since iirc he has a pink aura.
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Is that paint on the aura, or is it the color of the plastic?
Are they shorter than the real ones produced by Tamashii?
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got my PCE Vegeta.I really like it.I wish there was the cross arms though.
The plastic is colored pink. I don't have the real ones yet but I'm assuming they're the same size judging by all the pics I've seen. It's a really solid effect piece though but I can't really compare it to the real deal just yet.
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