Xenoverse 2 looks promising
Edit: Psycho beat me to it
Thats the timebreaker logo on the foreheads of some of the villain there, very interesting.
I was wondering what that was, but makes sense. Since dimps made DBHeroes as well.
Definitely no releases for Nov-Dec and another month without SS4 Goku...
Well, I'd put my money onto Cell games version, but without discarding other possibilities.
Not a bad start for 2017, anyway.
i hope you are right coz i love the great saiyaman gohan outfit, i even made a custom on it
and still i hope an official release. its just i think Bandai never think in our ways,
they just want to make money and re-do the popular character in every series (such as kamen rider, ultraman, gundam...)
What if it ends up being tracksuit Gohan to continue the Super theme? I know everyone just looked at me with a death stare but hear me out: Gohan is currently training to become much stronger again, and Tamashii has to have been told future events in Super if they want to continue making figures based on it in time, correct? Maybe Gohan fights in the universal tournament and THATS the version coming up?
Adult blue gi Gohan would be phat, but i'm worried they will most likely reuse the same old Goku body mold again with the ugly knees, etc. Tamashii gonna squeeze as much cash as they can outta that mold, cuz they know we'll buy it regardless
On the other hand, they can possibly pair it up with SSj/Normal Broly, which I'm still dying for
This Super Saiyan Son Gohan is going to incorporate the newer articulation that Super Warrior Awakening Goku, Super Saiyan Trunks, and Super (Saiyan) Vegeta have. I believe that 100%. I also believe that the rumor about Tamashii Nations not having certain releases signed off due to the lower quality is also true, partially at the very least. We'll never see those obsolete knees on a future release unless it's a Premium Color.
Edited: The least likeliest Super Saiyan Son Gohan release but probably one of the most wanted...
We're going to get Super Saiyan Nerd Gohan
We're going to get Super Saiyan Nerd Gohan
MisterW would love this^^^ as would I, let's hope it comes with a powered down head, but I wouldn't mind an updated ss gohan (cell) if they can make it battle damaged that would make it better, or at the very least blue gi adult gohan
Edit: Bojack Gohan would be nice too
We're going to get Super Saiyan Nerd Gohan