High School Gohan is Yamcha level bad. Unless... it's him like this.
High School Gohan is Yamcha level bad. Unless... it's him like this.
Whis is scheduled for August.Wait, hold up. Why do we even HAVE a pic of Whis in box? He isnt due for months yet! Having that box must mean he is a regular release.
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Wait, hold up. Why do we even HAVE a pic of Whis in box? He isnt due for months yet! Having that box must mean he is a regular release.
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Wait, hold up. Why do we even HAVE a pic of Whis in box? He isnt due for months yet! Having that box must mean he is a regular release.
Looks like it's from an official distributor...looks like they have samples of the Ninja Turtles as well.
Yeah, I would dig that with updated articulation. Not sure how the hips would work though since the cloth may hinder movement but if they use a softer plastic like they do for the Star Wars figures I think it would move smoother.
well look at Whis; his entire tunic is 1 solid piece. I wonder if they even bothered to put joints in his knees, if they did it seems it will still be pointless
would've been better posing-wise had they made it like they did with Kylo Ren's tunic
nick was dead on lol i would explode from happiness! but alas it really is least likely
i wouldnt mind it being battle damged cell saga gohan, purple gi gohan from buu saga, or great saiyaman gohan though XD but future gohan is my holy grail like nappa for crisis XD
Tamashii Nations could have incorporated the softer plastic into Whis' tunic design. They could have had one piece in the front and then multiple pieces connecting it give it a one-piece appearance. Hopefully this picture explains what I'm talking about. Edited: Then they could have had the other piece of his outfit similar to Broly's sash where it's also broken up into multiple pieces to allow for posing.
The 2.0 releases are "advanced figures" that incorporate new articulation and ideas. I would hope that, if they need to, using the softer plastic is one of their options.
We have a few choices for Super Saiyan Son Gohan. I may compile a list and post it tonight to see what our options are.
I thought Nappa was for blood and Shenron was for crisis?