Hell, I'm just happy to finally get a vegeta head with black hair... I can't remember, the 2.0 heads are not compatible with the previous releases, correct?
Nappa has not a release date, so it's still possible he can obtain a couple more inches if feedback works properly. Just remember the awful A18 prototype vs. Bandai's final product.
After so long waiting, he deserves it!
nintendo switch = 300$ + scouter vegeta 2.0 = 50$ + ssj3 goku 2.0 = 50$ + yamcha = 50$ + tenshinhan=50$ + PCE Cell = 60$ + ssj vegeta 2.0 = 55$ Total = 615$ (without no games for NSwitch)
* all prices are average
* all prices not include shipping
* all prices not include tax
My Wallet =![]()
SS3 goku is amazing... I also really like Kai-ken goku. I hope it's not a limited release.
I'm willing to bet that if this Nappa meets sales expectations, then they will reconsider releasing the armorless "battle-damaged" version (we've got battle damaged SS Goku and SS2 Gohan so anything's possible)
They can also benefit from Nappa not once, not twice, but thrice, by releasing his Arlia variant as an SDCC EX
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@Silrian i believe his upper chest armor is articulated if you look closely
I gotta say, I'm disappointed in all the knee joints. What happened to that awesome new one ssj4 goku had? (What happened to that proto in general...XD There's so much displayed but unannounced protos now.)
I gotta say, I'm disappointed in all the knee joints. What happened to that awesome new one ssj4 goku had? (What happened to that proto in general...XD There's so much displayed but unannounced protos now.)
I heard Tamashii is going to see how well Figuarts Zero EX SSJ4 Goku will sell to decide how soon SHF version will be released
Honestly, i dont see how people think that scouter 2.0 looks the same as the old one, it doesnt look like it at all. I am hoping they change the hair and the shoulders though in the final product (if they do release it).
yeah i prefer the rounded knee joints on baggy pants, the sculpted knee pads kind of work for krillin, trunks, and gotenks beceause sculpt-wise their pants are too baggy. For yamcha, tien, and goku though, when the knee bends theyll just be big flat chunks of pants. With rounded knee joints the bent knee would look okay while still able to have the legs look good when straight (similar to old style legs looking good when legs are straight). I'm sure i'll adjust to it either way and I am happy that the possibility of these new figures could even be on the horizon, so it is what it is lol
Honestly, i dont see how people think that scouter 2.0 looks the same as the old one, it doesnt look like it at all. I am hoping they change the hair and the shoulders though in the final product (if they do release it).
That ssj 4 goku does still look pretty good though, but there's a chance they could be retooling him into the 2.0 style, but i really want them to keep those rounded knee joints vs knee pads (although the knee pads are arguably a bit better than the 1.0 style legs).
Also light up effect parts? count me in on that man! Also hoping kaio ken goku isnt some sort of con exclusive either, im pretty down to get that figure haha
I'm curious to see what else Tamashii Nations has to display. Will there be more S.H. Figuarts prototypes or will the rest of the weekend be the Figuarts Zero and Figuarts Zero EX displays?
I don't see how people think they look the exact same either, there are subtle differences i can easily point out. However, on the other hand, I still don't see the need for it at all. Will it be able to do any extra poses that the original can't already do? Prolly not. It looks great but it's not mind-blowing to the point where I absolutely must replace the old one with it. It might even come with fewer accessories than the original. I don't recall seeing a large demand for a Scouter Vegeta re-do. I'm looking at it as an opportunity for those that missed out on buying it the first time
b-but i'm gonna still buy it anyway -_- i just wish they used those resources towards Raditz, hell even Bardock, that's all
I don't see how people think they look the exact same either, there are subtle differences i can easily point out. However, on the other hand, I still don't see the need for it at all. Will it be able to do any extra poses that the original can't already do? Prolly not. It looks great but it's not mind-blowing to the point where I absolutely must replace the old one with it. It might even come with fewer accessories than the original. I don't recall seeing a large demand for a Scouter Vegeta re-do. I'm looking at it as an opportunity for those that missed out on buying it the first time
b-but i'm gonna still buy it anyway -_- i just wish they used those resources towards Raditz, hell even Bardock, that's all
Hopefully Shenron is still on the list, they need to release that thing already (my holy grail)