@Runnen - Kid Trunks and Goten would be great announcements now that the Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga Kai is airing on Toonami. Gotenks was very pleasing to see, can't believe I forgot him in my original post, and hopefully that means Kid Trunks and Goten have also been worked on. Tamashii Nations seems to have used "Teen" Gohan for the younger demographic of the market but Kid Trunks and Goten would be the perfect characters to release for that specific market.
Gogeta would be great to see! (Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta for me, especially!) He's certainly in the Top 5 "non-canon" characters and Gogeta won't be all that new for the designers since Tamashii Nations has worked on Gotenks.
@Prodigy1367 - Saibamen would be very easy for Tamashii Nations to produce but, similar to what you mentioned, there just doesn't seem to be enough demand for them. Although, if anything were to come in a multi-pack for the Dragon Ball Z line, Saibamen would be at the top of that list.
Omega Shenron is honestly one of my choices, as well. Specifically surprising for the reason of his design of his spikes. Although, given the softer plastic that's been used for the Star Wars line, I think it's becoming more possible. He'd be an absolute beast of a figure!
@Bardoon - Tamashii Nations does seem to have a lot of interest in Super Saiyan 4 Goku. As much as I enjoy the other designs and would like to see them all released at some point, Super Saiyan 4 Goku being announced as the next Goku release would be outstanding. He hasn't had a large production release since November 2015. Tamashii Nations definitely heard the outcry from the collectors about having too many Goku releases so I'm hoping, with this break in-between releases, they have something very special for us as his next release.
Future Trunks 2.0 seems possible now that the majority of the Time Patroller is a very similar design. The only problem with that though is that it would be a taller, older Future Trunks such as when he went back to his future to destroy the Androids. Either that or a Dragon Ball Super Future Trunks.
@Yu Yu Hackersho/Bardoon - 100% Frieza would go perfectly with Super Warrior Awakening Goku. The original Final Form Frieza reminds me of the artistic style when he first appeared so I do feel his figure is a good representation of that but I actually prefer the newest artistic style that was recently shown in Resurrection F. With 100% Frieza, Figure-rise Standard is a very good designed action figure/model kit for Tamashii Nations to follow.
Raditz is long overdue. I know somebody keeps mentioning this but he was THE first villain of Dragon Ball Z.
@RKenshinH - That is a lot of surprises.

I do like a lot of those choices though. I REALLY want to see Bardock but also Super Saiyan Bardock. I don't care if that transformation isn't canon but it would be so easy! Tamashii Nations already has the Super Saiyan Goku hair mold and all they would need to do is repaint the normal faces and make one or two newer faces.
@Runnen/Prodigy1367/RKenshinH - It amazes me to see how many Janemba and Cooler fans there are in this forum. They're awesome designs and, for non-canon characters, I'm glad to see that they have a vocal fanbase.
Still, we just got Tien, Yamcha and Nappa announced, on top of completely unexpected releases like Time Patroller Trunks and the other dude from Xenoverse so you never know what could be coming..
That is precisely how I'm feeling about the Dragon Ball Z S.H. Figuarts line and I think this will be one of the best moments for all collectors to look back at as the "resurgence" of amazing releases to come.
That dude's been waiting 6 years for Yamcha? lmao that just goes to show even the unpopular characters has their fans.
GT lovers, speak up! i never understood the "i dislike GT therefore it deserves no attention from anyone" mentality some fans have
I remember seeing a fan on a popular forum years & years ago defend Dodoria as his favorite DBZ character. Yes, DODORIA. Everyone deserves a shot