Today I received my purple frieza soldier and Gyniu, Purple soldier came flawless, perfect figure.
Gyniu came with many issues, left arm pop offs easily and loose legs. Legs are now repaired with suple glue however the arm cant be repaired it seems.
I would be happy if it wasn't because both boxes came totally destroyed...
Tamashii Nations yearly event is going to take place in 2 weeks. Anybody want to throw out some potential reveals?
Just ordered the Purple Soldier based on your comment, had already received Ginyu and mine didn't have any issues but the box was indeed completely smashed, probably because it was shipped in a squishy enveloppe instead of cardboard box. I left negative feedback on shipping to the eBay seller and they refunded me 5 bucks for the inconvenience (since nothing was broken on the actual figure). Hopefully my soldier arrives more safely.
I'm really happy with Ginyu, I had the Dramatic Showcase Ginyu and his gang already but having a posable figure is cool too, even if he is a bit too tall, I put him in a pose that makes him not quite stand out so tall and it looks pretty cool to me. I wanted to represent the scene where Ginyu just stole Goku's body and is grieviously injured, while in Goku's body he's now amazed at his newfound power (middle shelf)..
Today I received my purple frieza soldier and Gyniu, Purple soldier came flawless, perfect figure.
Gyniu came with many issues, left arm pop offs easily and loose legs. Legs are now repaired with suple glue however the arm cant be repaired it seems.
I would be happy if it wasn't because both boxes came totally destroyed...
Man... my Ginyu is so floppy I haven't even opened the other two. Good to know there's potential that they all aren't like that.
Im hoping for a Piccolo 2.0 or at least a showing for 2019
DBZ.. I doubt we’ll see Captain Ginyu. If I was BOJ/Tamashii I do Raditz!!!
DB? I don’t think we’ll be seeing Yamcha till the end similar to why we’re not seeing a new Krillin 2.0 because kid Krillin needs time to shine. Who wants to buy Yamcha when he just came out. If anything I would say King Piccolo or else Chi Chi
DBS - another look at Broly 2.0 and the new SSG Blue Goku&Vegeta. Maybe a release date on one or the other. I doubt we’ll see ultra Instinct until after February