S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Thanks for letting me know Science Friction! I don't know anything about Power Rangers and was hearing about it a lot lately and seeing articles. They had a poll on which version of Power Rangers you wanted on the SDCC poll, so that probably threw me off too.
I'm glad to hear DBZ is on top!
The sentai figuarts line as a whole has had much more releases than that this year, and a few have even been repackaged as PR figures for America.

So far this year we have had MMPR red, green, white, armored red and pink on the way, and overdrive blue and black pack, ninja storm red with the other four coming this year, and a few sentai reds already too including dairangers ryuured and kyurored from the newest show, thats aloooot of figures.
For the third time in a row I completely agree Bane, but I expressed this criticism a whiiile back and his defence was he tried to follow the tamashii poll but just added more characters. Eventually I just stopped. I don't care about their poll, I care about ours because it's the fairest version imo. All it requires is some hand counted tallying, not much of a problem.

In general though, as Ive expressed before, the entire discussion is becoming weary because it's basically just a question of which direction will they go? Keep android, go buu or go pre-android? I think the Buu era is innevitable so I've given up trying to fight that. I just hope 2014 will still see 17/18 and Tall Trunks and then Im okay with them going full into Buu mode. I don't think they could do android 16 anywhere near justice in terms of scale (hes taller than Nappa, easily), so Ive crossed him of my list.

I stick with what I suggested earlier: 17,18, tall trunks, buu,majin vegeta, a buu period gohan and gotenks(orgoten+trunks). Just seems most overall reasonable next lineup of releases imo.

Great minds, my friend! Unfortunately, from what I've been seeing is people being reprimanded if they don't agree with the mods, however if someone acts real rude or irrational, but play to the mod's interests, they'll leave it alone. I feel that if I don't play to the Saiyan/Namek saga elite, it invalidates my opinions. There's a reason why certain characters are more popular. It's not like it's a youtube comment section. We took the time to make an account and are willing to spend A LOT of money on figures. I've gotten at least 30 Batman figures and 10 Robin figures. It doesn't mean I dislike or don't want the other characters in the universe because I only have one of each or don't have them. The main characters are very special to me, so I really like various looks for them.

You know all the updates you gave them? I would think a person would be so grateful and appreciative, or would just ignore it, rather than what was happening.

Maybe what I'm saying doesn't make sense. I know I don't do the best at articulating things a lot of times and misinterpret things.

Anyways! I'm really proud of our poll!
The sentai figuarts line as a whole has had much more releases than that this year, and a few have even been repackaged as PR figures for America.

So far this year we have had MMPR red, green, white, armored red and pink on the way, and overdrive blue and black pack, ninja storm red with the other four coming this year, and a few sentai reds already too including dairangers ryuured and kyurored from the newest show, thats aloooot of figures.

Well if you want to get into specifics and semantics, lol. Super Sentai is a broad line, it's different than lines like Sailor Moon or DBZ. It's really more it's own parent line within a parent line, and the sub lines, like Overdrive or MMPR season 1 are like DBZ. If you break it down, many Tamashii lines are like that. Gundam is line within Robot Spirits, but the various Gundam shows are their own sub lines within the Gundam line. So budgets and sales and all that jazz are definitely different. We all have our own opinions, but from my experience Bandai's Tamashii Nations lines are not as cut and dry as how you're painting it. With Super Sentai each season is viewed as it's own entity from what I've seen. It's a different thing, comparing the whole of Super Sentai to DBZ is like apples to oranges. However, comparing Zyuranger to DBZ is a much more apt comparison personally. I mean, to each their own, that's just my persona opinion. :)
I feel that if I don't play to the Saiyan/Namek saga elite, it invalidates my opinions.
Anyways! I'm really proud of our poll!

You guys talking about the DBToys poll from a while back? Hmm... as much as I am a fan of those characters, I'd take the Saiyans first, as they sell for sure, and we'll get as many as we can push for! After that, the other Z fighters as Web Exclusives sound great to me, as I'll be sure to find my way to those.

Haha, I just remembered Goku's quote from Tenkaichi 2: "A low class warrior can surpass an elite, if he trains hard enough.."
I'm just happy we're getting some Android Saga love from the Creators of the line, as it's my favorite saga, where my favorite character(Gohan) becomes the Earth's savior. I also really like the character design for Cell and the Android Twins.

Back to my musical preference, I think Faulconer OST peaks in the Cell saga, it's perfect there!
Nope, we made our own at the request of bluefin thanks to pwnstar on here; silrian has a link in his signature. Our poll is a simple "state you two favourite figures you want", no fixed list to be forced to choose from.

When you have the time please vote, it will help out!
Well if you want to get into specifics and semantics, lol. Super Sentai is a broad line, it's different than lines like Sailor Moon or DBZ. It's really more it's own parent line within a parent line, and the sub lines, like Overdrive or MMPR season 1 are like DBZ. If you break it down, many Tamashii lines are like that. Gundam is line within Robot Spirits, but the various Gundam shows are their own sub lines within the Gundam line. So budgets and sales and all that jazz are definitely different. We all have our own opinions, but from my experience Bandai's Tamashii Nations lines are not as cut and dry as how you're painting it. With Super Sentai each season is viewed as it's own entity from what I've seen. It's a different thing, comparing the whole of Super Sentai to DBZ is like apples to oranges. However, comparing Zyuranger to DBZ is a much more apt comparison personally. I mean, to each their own, that's just my persona opinion. :)

Yeah I get what you mean in comparing dbz and mmpr specifically, but to me the senta figuarts line is the same as the dbz one; it would be like us having a dragonball, dbz and .....gt sets, all would still be considered part of the same line we have now. Just my view lol.
Well I really don't see it that way personally, as Super Sentai has been a constant and crazy long running series that has been on Japanese television non-stop since it started. Dragon Ball has been around awhile, but not that long, and certainly not on the air that long compared to Super Sentai. Plus it's been off the air for a long time, and the only reason they probably made figures to begin with was because of Kai. Then of course America turned the line around, and here in America Dragon Ball arguably had a bigger, longer lasting impact on the male market ages 8-21 I'm guessing. Whereas Power Rangers, even when it started, was probably big mainly with ages 5-12. It has a place in the current collectible market because all of us kids grew up and we still love stuff like that. I'm sure there are a lot of people picking up MMPR figures that are only into that first season, just based on nostalgia. Which has to be inflating sales of Super Sentai in America. I would guess they don't care about the other Sentai teams, and the sales of those are probably a little bit higher because of the Zyuranger figures, but not much and will probably drop again when Zyuranger releases finish. We'll wait and see though, if Bandai keeps it up and releases more 90s MMPR teams sales could stay steady, but I'm sure will still drop some.
You guys talking about the DBToys poll from a while back? Hmm... as much as I am a fan of those characters, I'd take the Saiyans first, as they sell for sure, and we'll get as many as we can push for! After that, the other Z fighters as Web Exclusives sound great to me, as I'll be sure to find my way to those.

Haha, I just remembered Goku's quote from Tenkaichi 2: "A low class warrior can surpass an elite, if he trains hard enough.."
I'm just happy we're getting some Android Saga love from the Creators of the line, as it's my favorite saga, where my favorite character(Gohan) becomes the Earth's savior. I also really like the character design for Cell and the Android Twins.

Back to my musical preference, I think Faulconer OST peaks in the Cell saga, it's perfect there!

Yeah. Now its dragonballfigures.net. Like we've been saying, Saiyans sell! Like I said, my top most wanted is another Vegeta, being Majin Vegeta, and Goku, being Kid or Teen Goku. I also really want Mystic Gohan, Saiyan/Namek Gohan, Post Time Chamber Trunks, and The Great Saiyaman uniform for Gohan. I'd still love a Saiyan Saga Goku and other variations as well. This is the kind of thing, I feel like I couldn't say. Just because I want these, doesn't mean I don't want the others. I really like all Dragon Ball characters! Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, and Piccolo are just my favorites.

That's cool to hear. I think so too, in regards to the Faulconer music. It helped to make Cell so darn eerie. I think they're fantastic designs as well. People bash the second form of Cell, but I actually liked it. I thought it was a cool bridge between the two. The Time Chamber theme is one of my favorites!
Well I really don't see it that way personally, as Super Sentai has been a constant and crazy long running series that has been on Japanese television non-stop since it started. Dragon Ball has been around awhile, but not that long, and certainly not on the air that long compared to Super Sentai. Plus it's been off the air for a long time, and the only reason they probably made figures to begin with was because of Kai. Then of course America turned the line around, and here in America Dragon Ball arguably had a bigger, longer lasting impact on the male market ages 8-21 I'm guessing. Whereas Power Rangers, even when it started, was probably big mainly with ages 5-12. It has a place in the current collectible market because all of us kids grew up and we still love stuff like that. I'm sure there are a lot of people picking up MMPR figures that are only into that first season, just based on nostalgia. Which has to be inflating sales of Super Sentai in America. I would guess they don't care about the other Sentai teams, and the sales of those are probably a little bit higher because of the Zyuranger figures, but not much and will probably drop again when Zyuranger releases finish. We'll wait and see though, if Bandai keeps it up and releases more 90s MMPR teams sales could stay steady, but I'm sure will still drop some.

Dont get me me wrong, I completely agree on all rhose points in regards to the shows, its the figure lines im talking about specifically; anyway, I dont think we should keep talking about this here, it may cause issues being kinda off topic and all lol.
How people approach the shows is how they approach the toy line though. You know? If you are eaten up with Super Sentai you'll be buying them all, but most people probably have seasons they prefer. So they might buy Hurricanger, but not Dairanger, and so on. With Dragon Ball, if you like it, you're most likely buying a lot of the releases. Just my thoughts. I'm fine moving on. :)
You know, im quite interested in finding out why you think Bulma should be a figure, not from a character standpoint (we know she was quite an important non fighter), but from a figure standpoint?

Imo it shouldnt happen unless its a zero, due to three things;

1. This line is all about articulation as much as it is detail, and thats a complete waste on a character that at most raises her arms.

2. Releases are few and far between, and Bulma would eat into that schedule, and thus eat into important releases.

3. A Bulma may be good for you, but most wouldnt buy it, and that equals bad sales, which is bad news for a collectors line like this.

like I said, just curious to know why you think she should be made, thats all.

For me articulation is about bringing out the emotion and character of a toy as much as it's about the action poses. Like I said before, Bulma represents a more comedic side of Dragonball that I want to have available. Adding to my previous list of possible poses for her she could; be argueing with Vegeta ( You insufferable woman! ). Snuggleing up to Vegeta with a "aint I cute" look while Vegeta looks to the side and kinda down at the ground looking like he wants to be anywhere else. Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, Goku, and Bulma sitting around the Table having a good time ( Vegeta needs one happy face, he did occasionally loosen up ). Bulma insulting a villain, while standing directly behind Goku or Vegeta of course. As to her not selling well, I have a hard time believeing that she'd sell worse than Krillin. Maybe I'm wrong, but it'll take more time and more oposeing opions for me to believe that.

Finally joining the thread... I've been following it for years and I'm a huge fan of DBZ...
Hav any of you guys watched DBZ right after Dragonball? I'm doing so and as much as I'm a fan of the Faulconer OST, the Japanese music makes it feel a lot more like Dragonball's successor, especially Saiyan Saga!

Doing that right now for the first time. I only saw Z season 1-6 when I was young, so when I decided to pick up the series I got them out of order. Started with Dragonball and then went on to Z season 7-9. It's been about six months since I've seen them so I decided to watch it from the beginning. I'm watching it in Japanese subtitled too since I haven't seen it that way either. Not that I could go back to the original dub after hearing Kai:lol. Amazon even put the last piece of the puzzle in place for me when they had GT on sale for $25. Now once I'm finished with Z I'll get to see GT for the first time! I'm currently on Dragonball season 2, searching for the dragonball in the pirate base.

Welcome man! Thanks for voting!

Heck no! It would be TOTALLY AWESOME! Kid Goku is my number 2 most wanted under Majin Vegeta, but I voted for Mystic Gohan to play to the votes.

He's 16 here, I think:

or I'd be happy with his look when he's 19 in Dragon Ball:


I love kid Goku. I think his release might complicate things though. Z is the focus of the line right now, and with the coming of Kai Buu Saga I see that as the focus in the immediate future. Releaseing a kid Goku might spit the fanbase. Some wanting a stronger focus on one series or the other. Creating a situation where some fans would start getting upset and drop the line, erodeing it's momentum. I do badly want some original Dragonball characters myself, maybe Bandai can keep the balance right. It might require slightly increasing the number of releases.
I somewhat had the same thing Bane, and overall this thread is imo still the best board for this line Ive come across so far. All kinds of POV's are here etc. thats why I think the whole can reach a valid focus group status if the humbers rack up.
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For some reason when I first thought of poses for Bulma, I thought of her lovestruck pose for Zarbon. Then slapping Vegeta in the face of course! Funny thing: Future Trunks was raised by Bulma alone. Buu Saga Trunks was raised by Bulman AND Vegeta.

Yeah I agree Roger! would love original Dragonball characters, but DBZ is much more important for the line. From the poll results, so far, getting the Android Twins, Majin Vegeta, Majin Buu, and Mystic Gohan as the next five seem to be a good way to go.

It would definitely be helpful if they gave us more releases per year!
My thoughts exactly silrian; for whatever reason, this thread has stayed very civil and mature, with not a troll in sight. I wouldnt say we have had any arguments either, just heated discussions lol.

At the end of the day we all respect each others opinions because we love the line and the show so much.

Not to mention that this is usually the first place I find news for the line, and if it isnt someone always goes out of their way to find said news, its a nice place.
Oh, and pwnstar posted this in another thread, I thought id pinch it and show you guys it; the interview is more generic tamashii brands, but it does mention dragonball, and also what I consider a hint at an armored black ranger with shieldless green 2 pack for sdcc next year!

Again, thanks for finding it pwnstar; ill take the flack if posting it here is bad etc.

Thanks for posting the video!

Absolutely Deano! Really, thank you everyone! It's so refreshing. Definitely a lot of great discussions.

I'm going to have to think of more discussions, because I'm starting to get really irritated by the other site now. There's a lot of fantastic people and I wish they would come over here.

But seeing comments like this by a moderator:

"I wish we could see vids or even pics of this pwn dude talkin to these so called lead product developers. as far as i'm concerned, this could all be a lie, just to get more hits on a site and vote on a poll. "
And then getting LIKES by people, I think I'm going to try to stick here. As I said here before, unfortunately I am sensitive, so maybe I'm misinterpreting things again, but I wanted to respond, because I find it completely disrespectful.

Reaper was wrong! It wasn't DBZ heaven, it's DBZ hell! Where's Rod Serling? I'm just kidding.

I don't know if you guys don't mind, as long as their isn't a figuarts discussion going on, if I talk some other aspect of DBZ here, because I really enjoy all your opinions.
"Power Rangers was the centre of attention this year."

Boom and there it is. Bet that's a part of why they tried to keep other displays a bit lower key. Also really like they made a female yellow ranger for us, that stuff shows Tamashii cares about catering to western markets.

To a big degree I really appreciate this company's attitude. Within a business context, they do seem to care imo. Some little gripes for me, like upcoming Goku's limited face count. But overall, I remain happy with them and their 'crossover-zeas' attitude.

Also Bane, some guys over there just act obnoxious half the time. Kinda why I'm just trying to reach out to untapped fans of the line there. Looked at Fwoosh and some other places as well. This remains the place to be for this line imo. Then again Sideshow's a pretty good board in general.