Big Deano
Super Freak
The small spirit bomb would be great, you may need to make a better peg for his hand though 

Hey frankie, just a heads up that I think someone is buying your effects and selling them on at inflated prices on ebay.Reason I think that is because a couple have appeared on my uk ebay page and I dont think you sell effects by default to uk on there.
Hey Jayrod! Hows things? No word on Nappa, but theres a chance Broly is in the works so that give Nappa and all other big figures a chance too.
Except for the beefed up version, I want both those. Post Time Chamber Trunks is in my top 5 most wanted. Broly isn't in my top 20, but if we get him, I'm just saying I'd go for that look. I really like the movie up to the point when that stupid origin is revealed. The way they took him down, was so lame as well. It would have been very interesting if it was just a Vegeta and Trunks movie. There was so much potential.
Been pretty good! All is finally well at home, finances are back in order after some doctor bills an school bills from my fiancee. Which means I'm back to this line. I have to start all over, but it will be fun.
Broly? Hell yes! I still want that damn Nappa. Any other new announcements?? Seems like Goku has been the latest.