See? See? Si! Si!
[A long post.

Have you gotten to the King Piccolo arc? I think it's the best arc in the entire series.
I'm almost done with the Tien saga, so that's a no. And I can't remember how it went, so for all intents and purposes I can consider it new. I'll get back to you on it.
I wished the Buu saga was skipped insofar as I dislike Buu and everything about him. Super Buu is somewhat cool, but the rest is too whacky for me. The way I see and absolutely love it now is that Dragonball is lighthearted, when Goku is growing up, and DBZ is dramatic (I know, I know, westernisation bla bla). And Buu doesn't fit that bill for me. He also follows up what I consider the coolest villain in the franchise by far: Cell. So the contrast is painful to me.
I've grown to like the idea that instead of the buu period, we had gotten the tournament saga, just a real tournament like in dragon ball, than a canon Broli saga in which he could be dealt with better and they're confronted with the legendary ssj. And then the GT arc where the dragons go evil on them for using the DB's too much. All the great elements of the main characters could've been kept and it would've tied up all the DB lore pretty much.The final saga would've been about the Dragonballs' use in the whole series. Instead of imo some superficial gimmicky bubblegum version of pure evil who just happened to be buried on earth.
It's simple: I dislike Buu, his whole story, his whole arc, his gimmicks and all but one incarnations of him.

So you can try to convince me all you want, I'll never like the Buu saga except a few moments like vegeta's arc, ssj3, U Gohan (and videl) and the fusions. I don't mind it being there, I don't mind it getting figuarts attention at all, I just see it as 'that bonus stuff after DBZ's best time'.
And to Big D: I'd love it if Dragonball got it's own line.
EDIT: granted, if it weren't for the buu saga I'd honestly not rank anything. I like all of it a lot and I like the whole as an enormous build up. It's just that starting with Buu it goes down hill again for me.