Practically speaking you're right 12eape12. We can't change it now and of course I do like that we're getting a regular Goku with a pretty good sculpt.
But the gi colour isn't a prefference thing, as I said, if krillin had had the same orange I'd be fine with it. This is matter of consistency and tamashii is simply not delivering on that front, they're factually not. And I think design concistency is a valid and objective point of criticism. The same goes for accessories. Since Gohan every character with face plates has received a pallet that includes all their basic most iconic looks. With Goku here this also factually is not the case. At the very least he misses a smirk and clenching teeth, which he does WAY more in the series than the three goofball faces.
So while I understand that whether this annoys you is personal, the criticism on its own isn't just preference, there's no one who'd prefer mismatching gi colours or lack of iconic expressions, no one. You can prefer manga or anime colours, but no one prefers inconcistency. So it's not a prefference thing, it's an objective lack of meeting a standard of design concistency. Coupled with a step backward in accessories. That's just not good, it just isn't. Some aren't bothered, some are, but it isn't good either way.
EDIT: I guess you could blame the gi colour issue on Krillin as well if you want, because he set precedence. So between Krillin and Goku, I'm not happy with Tamashii's design choices. And I don't get where they're going with it. Maybe I have more trouble understanding Krillin's colour, than Goku's. Especially because he has white eyes.
Either choose manga colours, or anime, but don't start mixing them up man, it looks horrible.