Big Deano
Super Freak
Manga Goku was released back when this line was struggling in Japan, so it is likely that they cut alot of corners with him.
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I'm sure they would have wanted it out there, but something just happened. The way I see it, the less they spend on retooling for the main guys, they know will sell well, the more risks and tooling they can use on other characters. Maybe what they were timing it out to get the Androids on schedule. I'm sure they're trying to do the best with what they got.
Looks effin slick dude, bloody nice, pun intended. Dunno if I like the grass much, not a fan of bush (badum-tssss). Lmfao@Woody.
Have you tried using Cell's energy effects the way you use ssj3 goku's? They have tiny rocks in them.
Madoka and Goku! Awesome....oh god that Miku and Goku
Where is Shenron from?
I said this before but I'll reiterate, I think it'll be more feasable for them to package in a Dragon Ball with each release. Normal Goku comes with the 4 star ball, Gohan the 2 star, etc. I'm actually surprised they haven't thought of this.
Later releases could come with the Namek Dragon Balls.